need answers on chicken questions? get nearly all your chicken questions answered right here right n



In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Have any chicken questions that need answering? I'm your gal, I've studied chickens for over 5yrs so ask away, and I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability.;)
I don't actually need questions answered, but I'll test ya....

What does AI stand for?
Can all chickens be sexed by 5 weeks?
What are 10 good laying breeds?

What type of chickens do you have?

Will you give some to me?

Oh, and how do you hatch a chicken?
First I really don't know what AI stands for. Second some breeds you can tell if its a boy or a girl at 5 weeks it all depends on the breed.
For ten good laying breeds here's my top ten favorites

White Leghorn
Buff orphington
Barred rock
Easter egg chickens
Black astrolorp
Jersey giants
Samoln Favorolles
Rhode Island reds
New Hampshire reds

I have 1 white Leghorn, 2 white brahmas, 3 barred rocks, 1 buff orphington, 1 amerucana, and 1 mystery chicken .
No I'm quite attached to my chickens, but I have roosters and hens so once they get it on so to speak I'll hatch the fertile eggs and you can pick up the all the surviving chick's that you want.
And your best bet to have a successful hatch would be to buy a manufactured incubator. Thanks for asking
AI = Avian Influzenza (sp), or in terms of Livestock, Articficial Insimenation

Brahmas *technically* aren't a laying breed, but I love them too
Plus, mine lay pretty well

Well, I meant like how long, what temp, what humidity, etc.

You need a bit refining for harder Chicken Q's, but otherwise your good for beginner Q's
I thought I did pretty well

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Hey wanna be friends let's talk chickens

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I need a question answered...
if I have 9 chickens how much space IS NECESSARY in the run to house them all (I free-range 3-5 hrs on weekdays, 6-10 hrs on weekends)?

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