Need Assistance Draining my hen- Los Angeles Area

Xander, Thanks for the clarity- I could not find that information.
I think it is more stressful for me than it is for her.
It is not hard but definitely best with two people- one to insert the needle and draw fluid and to unscrew the syringe, the other to pour out the drained fluid from the syringe.
Going to order up baytril as well.
Took a video of the fluid under the microscope, I just need to get to a linkable platform
Overall update- I ended up draining about 2-1/2 cups of fluid from Cous-Cous.
The green hue is caused by a bacterial infection which I confirmed under a microscope.
She went about a day and a half without getting up- only changed laying position.
Night-times she spent mostly hot and panting- how do I know, I slept with her on the couch for a week. I kept her hydrated with a Corid/Apple Cider Vinegar/ Water mixture with a pipette.
I give her .75ml of Clavamox twice a day.
Feed her directly a fine chopped mix of Romain/Green Leaf/Fresh Garlic/Meal Worms twice a day.
She has consumed lots of watermelon on her own and picked at a wedge of lettuce.
Her poops went from lots of yellow paste and fluids (Kicking out the infection) to healthy green mixed in with the yellow goo to now healthy secal and green with intermittent yellow fluid stuff.
Daily butt washes- some days more than once.
She has spent the last number of days walking around the yard, finding places to rest, picking at the Borage and other yard goodies.
In short, she is recuperating, regaining strength. Treatment continues.
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Just curious how your chicken is doing? I have one that seems to have water belly now and lost one last week from a similar issue. It didn't make sense to me that they both had something like water belly since it is not contagious and I doubt they were both experiencing liver failure at the same time. It's assuring to know it could be bacterial as in the case of your chicken because maybe I can save this one. I haven't attempted to drain her yet as I'm too afraid

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