NEED HELP ASAP - Chick is stuck

Is this the same chick that you did an assisted hach.
Yes. Not sure if there is a hole or something that it is bleeding from... I haven't been able to take the chick out of the incubator yet because another egg is really close to hatching and I didn't want to risk that chick getting chilled because temp/humidity will drop the moment I open the incubator. I was going to wait until the other chick is out and somewhat dried before getting the 'problem child' out of the incubator for closer inspection. If it IS bleeding, it is only bleeding a little and not as much as it was when it first came out.
Here's a better picture
I'm trying to get some help for you some good instructions to what to do I would keep her away from the other chicks. Make sure she's under the heating lamp maybe in a little box because you don't want her to get cold and you don't want her to be near the other chicks. You don't want them bumping into her.

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