need help ASAP please

mama dixie

8 Years
Aug 11, 2011
we have a Easter eager that is very ill, we have had our share of trouble with our birds we had a couple checked out and the vet said we are OK so we felt we were on a good roll. my bird was bought march 25 she had a rock hard crop and I massaged it and then she ate a bit the next day her crop seemed like it had air in it and it was popping when I massaged it. now she is still not eating and is so weak. I have given her coxi med's and given her other antibiotics. any ideas...
It could be sour crop (the crop will feel flaccid and watery) or it could be something more serious. I recently did a necropsy on a bird had what appeared to be sour crop, but the internal examination showed that she had tumors which blocked her intestinal tract. The little that she did eat and drink got stuck in her crop, which became distended and thin. You don't say how old the EE is, but cancer is very prevalent in birds over 2.
(more about that necropsy here:

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