Need help with ONE pig

Yes most definitely neuter him, it should have been done when he was a lot smaller and younger. My grandda use to do the males at 3 days old, he would use a rubber band wound tight and they would just fall off in a few days.
Good luck. I know that he can still be fixed but the vet might charge quite a bit. The hormones will change the taste of the meat as he gets older and comes into breeding age. The meat will have a strong musky taste to it. My hubby cant taste it with the deer he hunts but if he shoots a buck that is in rut, the hormones are on a rampage, I can definately tell the difference and wont eat it. Also with what ever fence you use make sure if it is on dirt to drive stakes or rods into the ground every foot or so or it will root out under the fencing. Jenn
We've never used a vet to cut a pig, I've never heard of anyone using a vet around here. Find a local grower and they will be more than happy to help you out I'm sure. You absolutely need to cut him, this is imperitave to have suitable meat.
You want a pig starter/finisher. Some people use a grower in between the starter and finisher, it's entirely up to you. If the pig has ample room to root, wallow and forage, he won't get overly fat. People who use a developer/grower because their pigs get too fat. This often occurs when pigs are kept with too little space, on concrete and under a roof.

We elect to give our hogs no meat from chicken scraps or compost. This is simply because we sell it and ofte get asked if the pig ate pig or not. We can say with 100% certainty "no".

I would say for the welfare and mental well-being of the animal, never raise one pig! You need a pair at least.

However, given your situation, you really don't have a choice. Be prepared for him to bond with you. I find our piggies endlessly ammusing and love having them.

Also, do get him 'cut' (castrated) as soon as possible. If he gets sexually active it will taint the flavor of the pork. If you have no idea what it means, get him to a vet before he's too big to fit in your car.

Having homegrown pork is by far the best and most enjoyable experience of having a smallholding.
Are you sure this is a meat breed and not a potbelly? Sixty pounds really isn't that much for a slaughter pig at 4 months. Maybe he is just underweight.
If you are going to eat him then yes, he needs to be castrated. It would be an easy 2 person job at that weight as long as the person cutting knows what to do. (Most pigs are castrated at a couple days to reduce stress.) Boar meat smells and tastes really strong and isn't all that appetizing. I have been around hogs my whole life. Feel free to PM me if you like.
My pigs have never gone after chickens, either. I imagine they would have to be starved before they'd act like that.

Now one time I did set down my egg bucket in the pig run... that was a mistake, one got its snout in there and had them all before I could even realize what he was doing!
Pigs are omnivores so they will eat pretty much anything. That being said, if a chicken or any other smallish animal gets into the pig pen and 1.)can't get out or 2.) is ganged up on by more than one pig, they can be killed. Pigs are extremely curious and they will literally play with a small animal until it is dead. Anything new in the pen will be tasted, pushed around, chewed and tossed about. Using caution wouldn't be a bad thing.
we feed ours pretty much every thing, believe me they'll eat it. If I was closer I'd come cut him for ya takes about 5 seconds. Just watch out when you do cut him it'll be a wrestleing match 60 pigs have alot of power. If he starts pushing the fence run a line of electric fence about 8-12" around the inside he'll only touch it once.
Thanks everyone. I went yesterday, and pick up the pig. Oh my, he sure is cute. Terrible!! Im trying to figure out the breed. He is pink/white..and I can see black spots coming in. My mother said he was a "greasy pig"?? More lard than meat....great! I sure hope she is wrong! This poor animal was in deplorable condition. Now, I know, pigs like mud...but they ALSO need a dry place to get into. He is a little bigger than a cocker spaniel dog....and was in 3 inches of pure muck! No shelter, out in the middle of a horse pasture, in a small maybe 5 x 8 pen. He is now in a 15 x 20 pen, and has a large wooden crate with straw. She also told me she was feeding it DOG FOOD! UGH! Some people! I am going out this morning to get hog feed. I had some left over stew in the fridge, so gave that to it last night...mainly to get it into the pen. Needless to say, he was very happy with the stew. My 25 yr old sone was laughing so hard...watching it eat the stew...then he said..." Mom, we HAVE to name it Stewie!" Ohhhhh, no. NO NAMES. LOL
Once I get the feed, and get out there...I will try to get a few pics. Thanks again everyone...Oh, I am looking for the electric fencing as well....just in case! I have no idea how to run it...and I am scared to DEATH of electric...but will figure it sure! LOL

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