Need More Help (Perhaps Hand Holding) with my Duck Eggs - Day 27


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2024
I am brand new here and to incubating eggs.

I posted for the first time last night under the assisting hatch thread. Mostly, I was just grateful and thankful for the article on how to make safety holes, (and also have a concern for high humidity).

Three of my four duck remaining eggs had piped externally yesterday (all had internally piped on lockdown day). My lone Ancona egg had not yet externally pipped. But the piping that I saw did not appear to be through the whole shell, and zero progress had been made over 12 hours on any of them. They had been moving a bit, rolling some, but making no noise. I was worried. After reading a bunch here, I made safety holes (wow, those shells are hard), candled each, saw movement and heard cheeping from the three Cayuga’s - one sounded alarmed, the other two were just talking with me! The Ancona made clicking sounds, working away I think. This was the best! Life! I quickly put them back in the incubator and the movement increase continued. Soon after I was able to go to sleep. It is now 10 hours later. The safety holes on all the Cayuga’s are bigger. One has made some progress zipping, the Ancona looks the same. On my egg #7, (I’ll try for photos) I think I am seeing a toe instead of a beak, and on egg #5 I am nearly certain I am looking through the safety hole at a baby duckling eye! On #9 the safety hole is larger and I think what I see is the membrane. My Ancona seems still. Worried, but it may just be behind. It has a very large saddled air pocket and I incubated it mostly in a vertical way with hand turning.

My questions are these:

1. When/Should I intervene more - especially with #7 if that’s a toe I’m looking at?

2. Can someone link me to an article on what to do if they are not positioned properly in the egg?

3. I saw that Coconut Oil is recommended if you are intervening to moisten the membrane. Does anyone know if its derivative, MCT oil, is also an option?

4. Anything I can/should do for #5 who is looking out at me through the safety hole? (Could not get a good picture).

5.Should I calm down since it is Day 27, not 29 or 30?

Just so nervous!

I have had many incubator problems along the way and have lost 6 out of 10 eggs. Also, I did not mist the eggs but for the last few days before lockdown. I had read about it, but thought it was later in the process than Day 10-wrong!! But I have had a high humidity problem on and off throughout. Easy to correct low humidity, but couldn’t find a great way to lower without opening the incubator a lot. This incubator, a Sailnovo, does not have vents.

It is a literal lifesaver to have this group as a resource! Thank you for your help and support!


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Can someone experienced please weigh on on my questions? I am worrying - still no more progress.
I am brand new here and to incubating eggs.

I posted for the first time last night under the assisting hatch thread. Mostly, I was just grateful and thankful for the article on how to make safety holes, (and also have a concern for high humidity).

Three of my four duck remaining eggs had piped externally yesterday (all had internally piped on lockdown day). My lone Ancona egg had not yet externally pipped. But the piping that I saw did not appear to be through the whole shell, and zero progress had been made over 12 hours on any of them. They had been moving a bit, rolling some, but making no noise. I was worried. After reading a bunch here, I made safety holes (wow, those shells are hard), candled each, saw movement and heard cheeping from the three Cayuga’s - one sounded alarmed, the other two were just talking with me! The Ancona made clicking sounds, working away I think. This was the best! Life! I quickly put them back in the incubator and the movement increase continued. Soon after I was able to go to sleep. It is now 10 hours later. The safety holes on all the Cayuga’s are bigger. One has made some progress zipping, the Ancona looks the same. On my egg #7, (I’ll try for photos) I think I am seeing a toe instead of a beak, and on egg #5 I am nearly certain I am looking through the safety hole at a baby duckling eye! On #9 the safety hole is larger and I think what I see is the membrane. My Ancona seems still. Worried, but it may just be behind. It has a very large saddled air pocket and I incubated it mostly in a vertical way with hand turning.

My questions are these:

1. When/Should I intervene more - especially with #7 if that’s a toe I’m looking at?

2. Can someone link me to an article on what to do if they are not positioned properly in the egg?

3. I saw that Coconut Oil is recommended if you are intervening to moisten the membrane. Does anyone know if its derivative, MCT oil, is also an option?

4. Anything I can/should do for #5 who is looking out at me through the safety hole? (Could not get a good picture).

5.Should I calm down since it is Day 27, not 29 or 30?

Just so nervous!

I have had many incubator problems along the way and have lost 6 out of 10 eggs. Also, I did not mist the eggs but for the last few days before lockdown. I had read about it, but thought it was later in the process than Day 10-wrong!! But I have had a high humidity problem on and off throughout. Easy to correct low humidity, but couldn’t find a great way to lower without opening the incubator a lot. This incubator, a Sailnovo, does not have vents.

It is a literal lifesaver to have this group as a resource! Thank you for your help and support!
I don't think you need to worry on the ones you're seeing progress on. They're always slow, but progress is a great sign.

I've found that every time I make a safety hole in an egg, those eggs take longer than the rest to completely hatch. Like they're wanting to see if you'll do all the work or something 😆. But so far they've all eventually made it out on their own. It's usually best to wait for their timing.

It sounds to me like they are working on it but still absorbing yolk. The Ancona may be a little behind the others but that is common. I personally wouldn't help any of them out this early.

Did #7 pip on its own?
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Thank you so much! I haven’t intervened any further, and just in the last hour or so #5 and #7 are making real “headway!” They are also making quite a bit of noise! Yes, #7 did make its own external pip, but I made the safety hole. Seven has now made another external pip, but further away from the Air Pocket.🫠 However, in all my research they say that they usually still hatch out okay. I’m glad for the safety hole as it allows me to see that its breathing steadily. My Ancona (#10) has been at least rocking. But I don’t see any external pip of its own. I read some about bruising, and hoping that is not what I see as its large, and again, away from the air pocket. If it is this would be quite an irony as #10’s air pocket takes up more space than any of the others. It’s huge. I’ll take a photo and maybe you can give me your thoughts. I’m hoping its a shadow. I’ll include a picture of all of them, it’s wonderful to see progress! Thanks so much for sharing your time and knowledge!
First photo is #10, then #7 and then my rock stars, #9 & #5. 😉😊😅


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