I first got silkies in summer 2021. I fell in love with the breed so much that I've decided I'm going to start breeding them. I've noticed most silkies in my country (with some exceptions and good breeders) are very off looking. They have smaller crests, very poor foot feathering (it's very rare to find ones that have a feathered middle toe), they're not as fluffy and overall look more scrawny. I'm trying to work my way twards improving the silkies in my area and maybe eventually reaching show quality. It's hard to find colors that you want (especially with good everything else).
So in short, I'm trying to breed for better quality silkies. With beards and I prefer shorter legs on roosters.
I kept 1 black rooster out of my batch of chicks (all roos) from last summer. From him I hatched all cockerels and 1 pullet. The single pullet from him I plan on keeping for next year, but probably not longer than that because of her foot issues (I'll explain further down the post). Also I lost that original rooster to a hawk a couple months ago
These are my current hens that I hatched chicks from this year (I also hatched shipped eggs). They all had almost no foot feathers when I got them in spring. Thankfully they've grown some recently:
Luna (personal fav)
Sarah is still a sunbleached brownish color instead of black. I think her molt is late because she was broody while the other 2 were molting.
Misty carries recessive white and I suspect Sarah might also carry it (she's gotten white tips on her new crest feathers). Unsure about Luna.
The chicks I plan on keeping
Rosie (Luna's daughter)
• Hatched with 2 bent toes;
• Very poor leg feathers;
• I don't know much about wings but they don't look amazing either.
Things I like:
• Pretty big crest;
• Bearded;
• friendly.
Might carry 1 copy of recessive white because her father definitely carried it.
Lavender (self blue)
• non bearded;
• poor leg feathering;
• beak is slightly crooked to one side;
•smaller crest.
Things I like:
•Pretty soft wing feathers (I think that was good)
Cuckoo (or blue cuckoo)
Hopefully pullet
•Pink crest;
•not great feathering on legs;
•not exactly the color I want to go for.
Things I like:
•crest size
•cute, feminine posture
•if she's blue cuckoo I could breed in some blue;
•blue earlobes.
Dominant white over something red
•not a standard color
Things I like:
•Very nice feet (even middle toe);
•bright blue earlobes;
•Pretty big crest;
•has dominant white (for paint offspring);
•great personality (docile, friendly, shy);
•dark comb and wattles.
•dark eyes
I'm super happy with Cloud. I would really regret not keeping him.
I would like some advice on what to focus on when breeding these guys. What should I change/work on? I'm trying to work with what I've got here. I'm also trying to work my way twards paint and BBS.
Based on what should I chose the keepers next summer?
So in short, I'm trying to breed for better quality silkies. With beards and I prefer shorter legs on roosters.
I kept 1 black rooster out of my batch of chicks (all roos) from last summer. From him I hatched all cockerels and 1 pullet. The single pullet from him I plan on keeping for next year, but probably not longer than that because of her foot issues (I'll explain further down the post). Also I lost that original rooster to a hawk a couple months ago

These are my current hens that I hatched chicks from this year (I also hatched shipped eggs). They all had almost no foot feathers when I got them in spring. Thankfully they've grown some recently:
Luna (personal fav)
Sarah is still a sunbleached brownish color instead of black. I think her molt is late because she was broody while the other 2 were molting.
Misty carries recessive white and I suspect Sarah might also carry it (she's gotten white tips on her new crest feathers). Unsure about Luna.
The chicks I plan on keeping
Rosie (Luna's daughter)
• Hatched with 2 bent toes;
• Very poor leg feathers;
• I don't know much about wings but they don't look amazing either.
Things I like:
• Pretty big crest;
• Bearded;
• friendly.
Might carry 1 copy of recessive white because her father definitely carried it.
Lavender (self blue)
• non bearded;
• poor leg feathering;
• beak is slightly crooked to one side;
•smaller crest.
Things I like:
•Pretty soft wing feathers (I think that was good)
Cuckoo (or blue cuckoo)
Hopefully pullet

•Pink crest;
•not great feathering on legs;
•not exactly the color I want to go for.
Things I like:
•crest size
•cute, feminine posture
•if she's blue cuckoo I could breed in some blue;
•blue earlobes.
Dominant white over something red
•not a standard color
Things I like:
•Very nice feet (even middle toe);
•bright blue earlobes;
•Pretty big crest;
•has dominant white (for paint offspring);
•great personality (docile, friendly, shy);
•dark comb and wattles.
•dark eyes
I'm super happy with Cloud. I would really regret not keeping him.
I would like some advice on what to focus on when breeding these guys. What should I change/work on? I'm trying to work with what I've got here. I'm also trying to work my way twards paint and BBS.
Based on what should I chose the keepers next summer?
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