need some help with our new hen is she sick or broody

For sure not broody, but could be eggs bound. yes giving meds orally would be best.

Sounds like you know how to pull one thru.

trouble will giving med advice never know what the person is able to do. giving shots or orally both have risk, make sure to get pass the wind pipe. giving any shots you must know how and proper needle and etc.
Steve the shot in the breast works faster

, and I would only do that in case where the bird doesn't look like it will be able to wait a few days. Other wise i give it orally. Reason because it can damage the muscle, but better than letting a bird die.​

Well, the way I look at it a shot is a shot no mater were you STICK IT , and that's why I'm not a Vet or a Peafowl EXPERT like you............. and that is why I hate giving advise to anyone when they ask me.
Steve the shot in the breast works faster

, and I would only do that in case where the bird doesn't look like it will be able to wait a few days. Other wise i give it orally. Reason because it can damage the muscle, but better than letting a bird die.​

Well, the way I look at it a shot is a shot no mater were you STICK IT , and that's why I'm not a Vet or a Peafowl EXPERT like you............. and that is why I hate giving advise to anyone when they ask me.

Steve, I am far from and EXPERT, for sure not a Vet. I also hate to give medical advice.

I post thing that have worked for me. You should also.

For the record were you STICK IT does matter. some med, need shot in the muscle, other under the skin, in the fat, some right in the blood stream. This i learn from my treatment fighting Colon Cancer.

Just because I disagree with some posts, doesn't mean that person is wrong, I just do it a different way.
I know before I joined here I was deathly afraid of needles and giving shots.... LOL Then I got tired of not knowing how to treat my birds or paying a vet that didn't know how to treat my birds, hehe. If it wasn't for the advice from EVERYONE on these forums, I could have lost a lot of favorite birds. Everyone has there own way, that suites them best, right or wrong... if it works for you, go for it. It is nice to see different opinions and different options for treating birds. I will be the first to say I am no expert either, I just give an educated guess based on my experiences and knowledge..... however limited it may or may not be. It is nice that we try and help each other, please keep that in mind and try not to get hurt feelings. We all learn from each other.
ok we have some bad news she did not make it .we were out there all day today her weight was good poop was fine.we think that last night durning the bad thunder stom we got she may have gotten scared an hit her head.bad she has been hidding in a spot over the feed room there is no head room i think she she may have sleeped there an banged her head.she would walk fine but had no balance an could not open a wing without lossing her balence an fallen over i think she may have just had a bad head trama.dont know for you think i should put the peacock on meds now to be on the safe side just in case it was not ahead trama.or should we wait to see sings we had no singal with her fine at bed would not get up next morning
I Would worm him for sure. Wouldn't give the meds if he looks ok. Catch him make sure he is not light.

Could you see were she had hurt her head?

Sorry she didn't make it.

Did you get any birds from Amy?
looked like she had a patch of baldness on her head but dont know going to tractor supply store tomorrow what kind of wormer should i look for?i told her we will go to amy's in sept or oct once the heat is better an we can make sure her peacock is doing well.she want a purple hen so we will see but going to give it some time.
talked to my sister today she said it sounded just like when her chicken broke it's neck would just walk sideways an had no balance i boarded up the area that i think she did it at.going to start the peacock on a wormer we found safe gaurd for goats in liqiud form can i mix this with his water or should i just open his mouth an give it to him oraly.thanks jim lil blue is doing better today yesterday was pretty rough but it is a part of raising animals you are going to loss a few.

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