Need to know if I have roosters or hens

I dont want to be the first to doubt, but picture number 4 looks like an easter egger cockerel.... I have had one very similar to that color.

She/ He is an easter egger but if she/he is our only rooster we could keep him/her
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Even the 2nd and 4th one? I was thinking that they kind of looked like roosters. Thank you for helping me out!

The second one is a pullet, no doubt. The 4th one is suspicious. With the lack of comb, and saddle feathers, I think it is a pullet. Coloring is what makes it look like a rooster. Perhaps another photo in a couple weeks of that one.
The second one is a pullet, no doubt. The 4th one is suspicious. With the lack of comb, and saddle feathers, I think it is a pullet. Coloring is what makes it look like a rooster. Perhaps another photo in a couple weeks of that one.

Okay thank you I will make sure to keep you posted!
They are all females.
I'm not seeing any rooster signs, such as sickle feathers in the tail, pointy neck feathers, saddle feathers, rooster coloration (patchy, red), or large red, wide combs.
The second one is a pullet, no doubt. The 4th one is suspicious. With the lack of comb, and saddle feathers, I think it is a pullet. Coloring is what makes it look like a rooster. Perhaps another photo in a couple weeks of that one.

Hi I have a new picture of her. I need her to be a female now though because we recently got a American gamefowl rooster. I know her feathers are really picked on but I have fixed the issue and they should be growing back soon!
Hi I have a new picture of her. I need her to be a female now though because we recently got a American gamefowl rooster. I know her feathers are really picked on but I have fixed the issue and they should be growing back soon!

Looks like a pullet to me. Of course the missing feathers would be where the saddle feathers would be, but the comb is not that big. I'd say you have a pullet.
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