Need to vent! Animal Cruelty...

I've seen a couple things like that. It's beyond my comprehension. Which is probably a good thing.

Geese always inner pancake run.
I feel so bad for the two who didn't make it. These two are weak and frightened but sweet all the same. I just can't believe people.

My goats looked at us like, "what is that?!?!?!?!?" I'm sure they're going to be none to thrilled about this.
I have found that people who are that sub-human will also treat other human beings just as badly. Their ilk I want to avoid at all costs. In fact, someone who treats animals that way with not an ounce of compassion or sympathy, is someone who is actually dangerous. Glad your husband saved a couple of the babies at least.
Thanks. I agree. Hubby is a big ol' softy. He can't turn away something needing food or shelter.
We have a gabillion (at least it seems) cats and dogs....all dumped....all rescued
It seems I have an inability to turn them away

At the same time though, if any one of the idiotic scums who dumped them should happen to walk in front of my car or shotgun.......welll...............:thun

God Bless you and your husband
That is SO wrong!:mad:
I had someone dump kittens in our ditch once in a box during a snowstorm. I was out shoveling and heard this weak mewing. There were several kittens, only two alive, and just one made it.
I think they need to find those kind of people and dispense "appropriate" punishment.( Not going to say what "I" think that would be! Too graphic....)
I'm tired of collecting the fruits of other peoples' irresponsibility, too. I've acquired 4 cats that way, and I'm sure there'll be more. Dumping animals is not only cruel, it doesn't make sense. People will drive out to the country to dump and animal they could just as easily leave at a shelter. I'm with Oblio on this one, I'm glad I don't understand it.
Those people are idiots! If they could not care for puppies, they ought to put them to the adoption agency where they will have better homes.

If only spay and neuter would come down in prices, I can understand why people could not afford it.....after all, it took me nearly four hundred dollars to get my kitten spayed.
I spay or neuter pretty much everything that comes onto my place,(which often makes the men in my life pretty nervous
) and I especially advocate the forced alteration of those who would dump helpless critters, too bad you didnt see those who dumped those poor babies, they really need some rough justice. :thun
Good for you, kiddo! Providing a voice for the helpless is a noble vocation....ever thought of being a lawyer??

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