Need your prayers... chick is lost **UPDATE**

She will come back to the cheeping of the other chicks if she can hear them. If she has a favorite treat put that down on the inside of the fence to try to attract her. I doubt that she will move tonight. I will say a prayer for the little one for you.

Prayers for you and her -- Be sure you look for her in the pen before you start hunting tomorrow. Right after I started letting my 6 weekers free range and come back to their coop at night, a couple of them played hookey and got left outside the chick house at night. The next morning they were perched up close on the step! And the next night, ALL the chicks went inside the house a half hour early!
The little stinker was running around outside the run... trying her best to get back in. Now if she could get through chain link to get out... you would think she could get back in! But no...

I have never seen a chicken so excited to be back with her buddies. I think she is pretty darn smart to find her way back through all that thicket she was in!

Thank you for your support.

All's well that ends well!
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