Needing Info on Genetics When Breeding With my Buckeye Roo!


Premium Feather Member
Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
Question, does it mean that my Buckeye rooster (He has a pea comb) has some recessive genetics of a single comb since I crossed him with some single comb hens (Speckled Sussex and Black Copper Maran) and got 2 single comb babies, the rest had walnut combs?

Also, I randomly got a red birchen chick with red leakage from mixing my Buckeye with a Black Copper Maran, which was unexpected. What does that say about the parents?

I also got some white Columbian style roosters from mixing the Buckeye with some Silver Laced Wyandottes. Is this normal as well? It has happened 5 times.





Single Comb chick, Sussex Offspring (Don't have a picture of Maran single comb chick.):

Birchen Maran Pullet:

Columbian Wyandotte Lookalike Cockerel:
Question, does it mean that my Buckeye rooster (He has a pea comb) has some recessive genetics of a single comb since I crossed him with some single comb hens (Speckled Sussex and Black Copper Maran) and got 2 single comb babies, the rest had walnut combs?

Also, I randomly got a red birchen chick with red leakage from mixing my Buckeye with a Black Copper Maran, which was unexpected. What does that say about the parents?

I also got some white Columbian style roosters from mixing the Buckeye with some Silver Laced Wyandottes. Is this normal as well? It has happened 5 times.

View attachment 3902557

He is clearly a heterozygote(Only one copy) on The Pea Comb mutation(P/p+), you can spot the Homozygous from the Heterozygous because The Heterozygous have larger combs and larger Wattles than the Homozygous(P/P), His wattle are almost fully developed, in contrast this is how The Pea comb should look.

As for colors, he appears to be homozygous for everything else which leads me to believe that is the product a RIR blood introgression back to Buckeye genetics, which is not unheard of because how similar RIR and Buckeyes body type and color should be, some breeders do this to improve color and type.

Buck eyes and RIR are Red Enhanced (Mahogany Mh) gold based(s+/s+) Wheaten(Wh/Wh)Columbian restricted(Co/Co), Wheaten is recessive to Birchen(ER) and Heterozygous Columbian has limited effect on ER/eWh females, so his daughters when crossed to Birchen based hens(in this case Marans) will comeout looking mostly Birchen but with more red leakage around the breast area.

When crossed to Silver laced Wyandotted you are producing sex links, Females will look Red Columbian(Pretty much Buck eye perhaps a shade less) and males will look mostly Silver Columbian but as adults the shoulders will be either dark red/orange, hackle and saddle mostly lemon color and body/breast/underside will remain Silver. As to why they are no longer laced? It's because of Wheaten and the heterozygous state of the lacing pattern genes(Melanotic and Pattern gene), But mostly that single dose of Wheaten is overriding the partridge e allele(eb), Wheaten is dominant over Partridge and it's quite the powerful restrictor on it's own.
He is clearly a heterozygote(Only one copy) on The Pea Comb mutation(P/p+), you can spot the Homozygous from the Heterozygous because The Heterozygous have larger combs and larger Wattles than the Homozygous(P/P), His wattle are almost fully developed, in contrast this is how The Pea comb should look.

View attachment 3902604
His comb and waddles were definitely something I saw different from a normal buckeye. Odd thing is, his sister from the same batch has a Buckeye normal peacomb for a buckeye hen. Don't mind the back of her head. This picture was from a while ago.
his daughters when crossed to Birchen based hens(in this case Marans) will comeout looking mostly Birchen but with more red leakage around the breast area.
Here are some more Maran mixed pullets who mostly have the red leakage on their chests.

Females will look Red Columbian(Pretty much Buck eye perhaps a shade less) and males will look mostly Silver Columbian but as adults the shoulders will be either dark red/orange, hackle and saddle mostly lemon color and body/breast/underside will remain Silver.
Here are some of the oullets mixed from the Wyandottes.

Thank you for all that information! So would I be able to still call him a Buckeye, just not a SOP Buckeye?
Yeah, he is a Buckeye but not a SOP buckeye, The Suspected RIR introgression could have happened a few generations back.
The few generations back would make sense because the buckeye hen I have has the buckeye comb. Small with 3 distinct rows. And her tail fans out like a Buckeye's does, as well as her having the eye color.

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