Henny Jenny
- Aug 6, 2022
- 25
- 141
- 81
We have a coop and run combo and some very lovely hens and one adorable rooster that are great. We have had them for 3 years now and they are wonderful! We keep them very clean and happy. We have a neighbor that does not want us to have a rooster so he shines a light at our coop every morning between 4:30am and 5:30am to get him to crow in the coop to bother the other neighbors. We are currently going through the court systems so yes he may have some bigger issues.
Here is what I am asking for help with. We built the coop so that the ventilation is the top few inches at the very top of the walls underneath the roof. It would be one thing if it were just a light that was on but he manually flashes a spotlight on and off of the coop every morning. (he can hit three of the four sides with his lights) Sometimes he does it on and off for several hours and he also plays gun shots and acoustic beats, etc from speakers to wake him and get him to crow as well.
While we are waiting for the court system to do it's thing we are trying to come up with a solution to block the light from coming in the coop while keeping the ventilation good for the chickens and keeping the other neighbors happy. (it's not good having a rooster crowing at 4:30 in the dark regardless of the reason, for the neighbors or the chickens). I thought about closing in all but one side of the coop and putting a whirly bird on top of the coop but I'm afraid a light shined on that will also reflect down into the coop. I've considered putting foil on the roof inside between the rafters and tacking it down on the sides but I worry about ventilation and I still believe some light will seep in. I've also considered putting a fan in the top of the coop to help with the noise. I tried a noise maker and put foil on the door but it doesn't help when the light is flashed on the coop ceiling from outside or when his loud speakers are played. I'm considering Rockwool insulation to the ceiling but worry about ventilation. The coop is 10 x 14 and the run is 14 x 30. I'm considering 4 large posts and a reflective tarp at this point but that would be rather expensive. I am an older lady so I want to do it once and I really want my chickens to be safe. Any suggestions?
Here is what I am asking for help with. We built the coop so that the ventilation is the top few inches at the very top of the walls underneath the roof. It would be one thing if it were just a light that was on but he manually flashes a spotlight on and off of the coop every morning. (he can hit three of the four sides with his lights) Sometimes he does it on and off for several hours and he also plays gun shots and acoustic beats, etc from speakers to wake him and get him to crow as well.
While we are waiting for the court system to do it's thing we are trying to come up with a solution to block the light from coming in the coop while keeping the ventilation good for the chickens and keeping the other neighbors happy. (it's not good having a rooster crowing at 4:30 in the dark regardless of the reason, for the neighbors or the chickens). I thought about closing in all but one side of the coop and putting a whirly bird on top of the coop but I'm afraid a light shined on that will also reflect down into the coop. I've considered putting foil on the roof inside between the rafters and tacking it down on the sides but I worry about ventilation and I still believe some light will seep in. I've also considered putting a fan in the top of the coop to help with the noise. I tried a noise maker and put foil on the door but it doesn't help when the light is flashed on the coop ceiling from outside or when his loud speakers are played. I'm considering Rockwool insulation to the ceiling but worry about ventilation. The coop is 10 x 14 and the run is 14 x 30. I'm considering 4 large posts and a reflective tarp at this point but that would be rather expensive. I am an older lady so I want to do it once and I really want my chickens to be safe. Any suggestions?