Neighbor using strobe lights at coop at 5 every morning... remodel fix ideas?

Thank you for your kind words. You are 100% correct on the case. He is actually doing it from his property across the street with a high powered light.
I would explain to the other neighbors what is happening. Either by a letter or door to door while this plays out in court. This person obviously has issues. Good luck.
So sad this is happening to you, good advice given, I'd advise a wall of tarp on the sides facing his house a few feet away from the coop if possible, (not knowing which direction your run is facing). I'd have a lot of trouble if that happened to me, as I have 200 chickens, in three large houses each 20'x15'x8'. I pray for the best for you, and hope he gets fined not only for the harassment but your emotional hardship as well. Call the police every single time you see him or hear him so they get recordings and see and hear his behavior. He should be sued, and I'd demand many thousands of $.and a permanent restraining order, and to pay any court and attorney also having neighbor issues attacking my right to farm. My prayers are with you
<In addition to what has already been suggested, have a camera pointed at your coop - NOT your neighbor - and have it record when he flashes your coop for additional evidence. I would also still bring this up to the police so they have his bad behavior on file>

Totally agree with this. Maybe you can try to get him for animal endangerment - does your country have SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) or similar?

I can't easily find anything legal from this side of the equation re animal harassment. However, with the lights... here's some internet advice:

"Review your local municipal or county ordinances, as many have regulations around light pollution and nuisance lighting that could apply in this situation. You may be able to file a formal complaint if the lighting violates any codes"
"I told the person that if [the county] couldn't enforce any law against them [for shining lights on my property], that I was going to install the biggest light I could get my hands on, and point it directly at their house. They stopped"
"The first thing to do is call the local government and find out with rules are for outdoor lighting at night. If security lights are allowed, as they are in our area, they may have to be pointed down to cover just the property owner’s property...Lights that point straight out are a hazard to drivers and pedestrians because they are blinding...If they don’t comply, buy a parabolic mirror and position it so that the light reflects back at them."
"You can file suit for private nuisance. This is a fairly textbook case of private nuisance. The neighbor’s intentional creation of a condition (the spotlight) that interferes with the use and quiet enjoyment of your land gives you a cause of action for private nuisance. The suit, if successful, would give you a right to an injunction, and money damages if your lawyer can conjure a way to calculate them and prove them in court."
In addition to what has already been suggested, have a camera pointed at your coop - NOT your neighbor - and have it record when he flashes your coop for additional evidence. I would also still bring this up to the police so they have his bad behavior on file
I'd point a camera at the neighbor and take a phone video of the coop.
Do you have any other neighbors that he's disturbing? If so, then ask them if they'd sign a complaint as well.
I feel so sad for you. I am also an older woman and sick of the crap people do to one another.

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