Nercropsy help please


10 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Needville Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Good morning,
I am looking for some experienced people who have done Nercropsy before and can tell me if this hen is showing any obvious signs of why she died.
From the amount of liquid build up in her abdomen I am assuming ascites, is what killed her.
I noticed she had a very dirty bottom on Wednesday of this past week, so I separated her, cleaned her off, and since she had some major cheesy like substance on her bottom, I treated her for vent gleet. The following day (Thursday) she started showing signs of ascites, so as I was rinsing off her bottom to put more medicine on before focusing on her ascites she convulsed and died in my arms.
So I decided to video tape after I had cut her open, because her organs were very gray colored and something just didn’t seem right.
I am hoping someone with expierence can chime in and tell me if what you see in this video looks unusual to you.
Not normal. Looks like a big tumor to me.
Do you have Marek's in your flock?
That is definitely cancer, probably of the oviduct, and has metastasized or spread to other organs. When I do a necropsy, I usually open the whole abdominal cavity to get a view of the liver, gizzard, intestines, and other organs. The liver is telling with the color and presence of spots or lumps which can give clues. Kudos for doing a necropsy and posting the video. So sorry for your loss. Cancer is very common in hens over 2-3 years old. There are different types, such as adenomas, and certain viruses (leukosis, Mareks) that also can cause lymphomas or tumors.
More pictures of cancer from this link which explains findings:


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