Nerve Damage?


Feb 28, 2017
Cambridgeshire UK
Hello All!
Last week the school I work at had eggs hatching for the children to see. One egg hatched late and the chick wasn't quite right. His legs were splayed out and toes all crunched up.
Following advice on here I hobbled him and made him little shoes. A few days later and the toes are mostly straight but his legs curl inwards. I was convinced it was slipped tendons. The company that provide the eggs asked the gender (males yellow females brown) and when declared male they had no interest in helping. I privately sought out a vet who said it's nerve damage and that there's nothing to be done other than a high vitamin feed and hope for the best but expect the worst.
I am fully prepared to home the little guy and buy him some lady friends if there's a chance he can have a happy life.
Does anyone recognise this and have any experience with leg nerve damage?

His hocks are super sore despite him being on very padded rubber matting.
The hobble is off now and his legs are in the right place. Just curled in like he's plotting. He's on vitamin D and B supplements.

I simply can't bare the thought of him being destroyed for being a bit wonky and male.

Thanks for looking. :)

Based in the U.K.
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Here are some more pictures.


His doughnut is lined with sterile gauze which is replaced after each poop to keep his hocks infection free. He can get out but he doesn't often as he can reach his food and water from where he is.


He shows no ability to stand on his feet even now the hobble is off.
Sorry about your little chick. This type of thing is rather common with hatching baby chicks. Leg issues happen for various reasons including incubation issues. Is it eating and drinking? Chick vitamins and what you are already doing is about all I can suggest. Taking him out of his chair several times a day to crawl around and have some physical therapy would be good, and I'm sure you have that covered. Here is a good link to read if you haven't already:
Thanks for your reply! He's eating and drinking like a machine.
That link is printed and next to his house covered in highlighter and notes. It's like a chick bible!
Fingers crossed for him. :)

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