Nettex anti peck adverse effect

i have noticed in my short time actually owning chickens (worked at a farm and assisted for 5 years) that the least dominant of the group usually is the most weary of re introductions and will get irritated at new comers and get huffy and puffy for some reason. not sure why.

you already have the right mindset, chickens do get lonely so having a buddy is the best way to both keep them happy, and have the best chance of re introduction to the group.

and i happen to be telepathetic lol
It would appear you are!

I'll post again when we try to reintroduce. A week seems a long time, not just in politics!
So glad I just found this thread. Used my anti peck spray on 4 newbies. 2 are silkies. Never had adverse effects from it with other newbies however the two silkies both deteriorated rapidly! Couldnt walk properly, wobbly, gasping a little. Almost drunk! Have removed them, bathed them, dried them and put them in my brooder to stay warm so hoping they recover!
Our hens have started pecking each other. It started with one hen doing it to the others but it became a learned behaviour. So having read about what to do, I bought some Nettex Anti Peck Spray.

Today was the second time I have used it - 4 days since the first time. I followed the instructions and sprayed it in the open, away from the head and with the wind in the right direction.

Our small Araucana is badly pecked with a small bald patch near her tail and no feathers at all around her backside.

I went back after about 30 mins to find her unable to walk or keep herself upright. She was gasping a bit too. Looked like she was drunk. Couldn't lift her body up properly and then would sink down and one wing would go out to support herself from rolling over.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? The others are OK so I am wondering if the expanse of skin has meant she has absorbed spray. There's nothing on the container to say not to spray near skin - indeed it says it contains an antiseptic to help with minor cuts - which she hasn't any.

I have separated her and have her on her own. Gave her food and water and she ate the mash like she hadn't been fed for a week! She is still not right after an hour but it looks like she is getting a bit better.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

This is similar to what just happened with our two new black Marian's. I believe they are 18 weeks. The original three rescue hens we have were attacking the newbies. So I sprayed the new hens, and they looked as though their nervous system has been attacked by a nerve agent. I have bathed them and put them in the coop to rest.
Is this an issue with these sprays?
Interesting... I also realised I failed to update after 2 weeks. Well now 7 years later..... Nella lived a long, happy life and died in 2023. She was fantastic. I still miss her. ❤️

As for Nettex, I never used it again. I did use something else (I think it's Johnson's Anti Peck) which has a bitter taste. It worked well. If you do get severe pecking, I also use Gentian Violet spray, which is antiseptic but is also very purple and covers blood (which in itself attracts more pecking). I find it an essential first aid item. As for the other stuff, it smelled like it was gasoline based or something similar and in hindsight, it may well have been the fumes that caused the problems.

I hope your girls improve and also have long and happy lives.

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