Neurodivergent chicken keepers

Decided I'll join this thread too! I am definitely neurodivergent lol.
Got that ADHD, Autism, and Social Anxiety, I'm also deaf and hard of hearing and prefer text based communication.
Joining Welcome Home GIF
I've got ADHD, & a Degenerative Brain Disease. Also possibility a misdiagnosed Autistic(Gotta get tested).
Tests are good! Especially retests. Saying as an example that I have been tested for Autism as a kid multiple times, but it kept going negative.
Turns out they updated the criteria a year after the last test I had, and I finally got the official diagnosis this year in February.
Anyways hello! :frow
Yes. That's why we're here. You don't have to join the conversation if you don't want. The people here feel like it's worth talking about. Inclusive, not exclusive.
if we're all just chicken enjoyers and give good keeping/health info about the topic, everyone will be included and there will be no feeling of exclusivity. That being said, I'm also a "Neurodivergant" person my self.

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