
That's sweet of you but no, she just needs some time and she doesn't want to be alone a lot right now so her family and I are making sure she has whatever she needs. So if I don't respond right away you all know why.
Bein' a friend in good times and bad....priceless. She's fortunate to have ya.

WOW thats a primitive set up ya used and it worked!

Reckon it may send some at BYC into bator-boggle to know that!!

I'm guilty of not sendin' out Independence Day greetin's as well.
Havin' a 9 yr old under foot every day has me goin' non-stop from sun up til sun down.
We got up early Sunday and went fishin'. The granchickie skunk'd us fishin'.....she had her limit in under 30 minutes! No Joke. I decided to let her fish fer me.

2 hours and 15 trout later we headed home.....BQ'd then headed to Elko for the fireworks show.
Our 4th of July tradition is eatin' ice cream on top of the hill that overlooks the fairgrounds where the fireworks are shot.....cant get a better FREE seat!

It was chilly so we dug out the heavy blanket..LOL.....had we been in Vegas we'd a been in our shorts & tank tops sweatin'!
Papa & JadaBug July 4th 2010


Knemeyer.....Dang! Yer EMT skills on yer chicken sounded perfect. I dont think I would've reacted as well.

I bought a new camera ( for the 2nd time:p ) Hopefully I dont fall on my backside and break this one too soon.

Heres a picture of the 3 chicks we finished pipping & hatching in the incubator a week ago

Moon Shadow (left) Liberty (right) and Scooter (front)

Sunny, Well wishes for your friend. Hope the troubled waters pass soon.

Bloomie, thanks for the photo. they do grow fast don't they? look at all the feathering on the wings already.

We stayed at home for the 4th. All the kids had separate ways to go hanging out with their friends. We have a year or two before the grandson is old enough that we will be taking him to see the show. One of these years I am going to drag everyone up to Tahoe and watch the fireworks from across the water.

laceynoelle, I can tell you more about lighting than you ever want to know. We will work on it. tried calling you back but only got the machine.
Bloomie what cute babies!!! Great camping pic.
DH and I went camping just a little bit ago but no blankets or jackets were needed.

Thank you Penturner and Bloomie for the well wishes! I just got back from a visit with my friend and she is doing much better. In fact I think she's a little tired of all of us fussing over her which is a very good sign!

mythkat welcome! I'm saying it here because I'm hoping you will come on and introduce yourself to the rest of us, since you have already PM'ed me and said Hi.
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im so torn right now!

i know i dont get in on the conversation that much, but i could really use some advice about Darla.

the reason i wanted to get rid of her in the first place was because her and Lucy were picking on my new silkie Pearl pretty badly, but i found that when i removed Darla from the pen, Lucy was nice to pearl. unfortunately Pearl was already scared of Lucy and wouldnt go anywhere near her and just hid in a corner. poor Lucy wanted company! So i went and bought on of those Barred rocks, Agnes.

as soon as i put Agnes in the pen Pearl came out of her shell completely, and just immediately stopped being scared of Lucy. They havent been acting like BEST buds yet, like Lucy and Darla were (Lucy did everything Darla did) but there is peace and no one seems frightened or uncomfortable.


but I've been feeling so bad for Darla, i dont have an extra pen, so shes just been in the coop all day, then i let her in the backyard to stretch her legs. she seems so lonesome
and it seems she knows her fate! she is letting me pick her up, hold her, its weird. shes not running from me like she usually does (and the other girls do). She even jumped onto my shoulder when i let her out of the coop.

so i though...maybe now that Pearl and Agnes are more comfortable, maybe i can try again. But the second i put Darla in the pen she went straight for Pearl. i dont want pearl to go back into hiding, and i dont want Lucy to start picking on her again, maybe even bringing Agnes into the fun... i know whats right but im falling in love with Darla now that shes gotta go!!

I put her in the run to sleep tonight because i cant stand leaving her to sleep in a cat carrier for another night. i put the carrier in the run with her, and left her a place to roost, but as i closed up the pen and walked out she just followed me and stared at me through the entrance, even stuck her head through the holes like "hey, where are ya going??!"

...what would you guys do? i just havent got the room for a seperate coop and pen. poor, poor Darla. and poor lucy, i think she misses her BFF, haha. am i being too human about this?
No, dont worry about being too human. Its perfectly fine to feel upset like that.

Idk what to do. My chickens were raised with the silkies so i think maybe they were more tollerant? Is Darla picking at Pearl in a mean way, or does she just want to be dominant? You said earlier she liked being top girl. Maybe its just that new-chicken-geting-ajusted thing. It wont hurt to try to reintroduce her for a couple more days. If you put them ogether, watch them all really close, but in the mean time, try putting Darla in the pen with the others, but with some sort of divider so she cant get to them. She might realize silkie feathers arent for eating then.
Something else if you want to keep boh of them, i think you can buy some sort of guard to put on Darla that prevents caniblism. I dont know how they work, but the bird wont be able to see all the way. I think theyre kinda mean, but i guess it works.
I think you'll get the best results by just trying to put them together slowly. Take it easy and dont force it. I hope it works for you.
thanks for the advice. i guess the pecking isnt really that bad, ive seen her pull out feathers. shes really not that mean, the actual problem is that when lucy sees darla pulling out pearls feathers, lucy does it too, but when darla isnt there, lucy doesnt do it...make sense?

maybe agnes will be a peace keeper. OH IM SORRY RON! but i think im going to have to give it another week and see if the girls mellow out.
I hate to give you advise you don't want but I think you have to get rid of one of them. It's your choice which one but it's not fair to Pearl to keep her in this situation. I know there will always be a pecking order but this does sound extreme. I'm so sorry you are in this situation. I've been there before and it's never easy.
It does sound like you have a good home ready for Darla. She will probably be much happier in the new flock. I gave one of my hens to Horsefeatherz and she is very happy in her new home!
aw, i really appreciate the honesty. i do want to see what happens tomorrow, though, as darla has not yet met agnes...maybe agnes will give pearl someone to pal around with.

If Pearl seems unhappy with the new order, then yes, it will have to be darla, considering things were totally fine the past two days without her. i know ron will give her a really good home, im just letting darla play mind games with me i guess, lol. yikes.

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