Never seen anything like this..!please help


7 Years
May 2, 2017
Yesterday I went out to check on my flock and found my rooster like this and when he try to run it looked kinda like someone who is drunk. So locked him in the nesting area of the coop. Check on him after I got home from work today and still same but his dangles are swollen bad. Gave him antibiotics last night and when I got home today. This is my attack rooster cuz he is always trying to get me when I get close to him or his house. Not sure if the freezing weather has anything to do with it. But his breed suppose to be cold hardy.


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It looks like frostbite to me too.
What part of Texas are you in?

This cold has gotten to many birds this year.
It is going to take time to heal....a lot of time. It is best not to touch it but monitor for signs of infection.

You can give him a baby aspirin (80mg dosage) each day while he is swollen for pain relief. Just one aspirin a day.
I live in north texas in Sanger near lake ray Roberts in denton county. Last Saturday night started a 89 hour below freezing weather here. Wednesday finally got above freezing and Thursday was the only warmest day of week but now back to really cold again
Yes it is a severely frostbitten comb and wattles, and the wattles are swollen and painful. Leave it alone, but bring him into a slightly warmer (above freezing ) area, such as a garage or basement. He will be hurting, so please try to get him to drink fluids and offer food. It will take days for the swelling to go down. Do not apply sprays, creams, or ointments.
Unfortunately my place doesn’t have garage or anything but all my chickens have coops and I can close them up in the nesting area of their coop and pile in alot of straw inside to help keep them little bit warmer.I take water and food for them and put it inside the house with them everyday.

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