New Anti-Spam System

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i'm a brand new member. when i try to create a new topic under the auction section, it tells me i have to enter my city & state on my profile info before i can do this. so...when i try to enter that info on my profile, it says i can't until i post 10 messages.
i guess i'm going to have to think up 10 random things to say to people before i can post my new topic/question? i became a member today because i'm looking for a specific type of chicken and thought this would be a good place to find it. now i'm just frustrated! am i doing something wrong?
No, unfortunately, this is something we've had to do in our efforts to deal with an onslaught of spammers.

Really, 10 posts won't take long. You can go to the new member introductions and greet some other new people, or even make your own thread, introducing yourself. You can find your state thread and post in it. There are a lot of social type threads in Random Ramblings; perhaps something there will interest you.

Meanwhile, welcome to our forum, and we hope you stay a while and enjoy!
I'm a new member... looks like I can reply to threads... but I have questions I'd love to ask, but can't
Not sure I'll continue with the forum if this is the case.

Claudette, there shouldn't be anything blocking you from asking questions. If you are having problems, please reply with the steps you are taking and any error messages you are receiving.
Having dealt with fighting these spammers in my paying day job, I can let you in on the algorhythms that I'm using. I've successfully blocked a ton of them through analysis of their posts to our message board and feedback forms...

PM me if you want some of my input.

Have you found the Post Topic button on the right of the page?

Just to clarify, on the forums page. Select index, then select the forum you want to post in (raising baby chicks, or whatever) and you will see it. Then ask away. There are very few limits on new members, and they don't last long.
I'm one of those that needs help now and am new. I have 2 week old chicks and wondering if there crop can handle veggies or will I kill them?
Thank You.
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