New attendee!


Jul 23, 2021
Good morning!

Im AGstudy (cause I like studying AG, wow!)
I have 17 chickens and 8 guinea fowl. Males and females. I have had poultry since I was a kid and love spending time with my birds. They are such characters! I have a passion for animal behavior and enjoy watching all their interactions.

As for breeds: I have had Plymoth Barred Rocks, Buff Orphingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Cream Legbars, California Whites, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns (light brown type), Barnvelders and Egyptain Fayoumis. I just have pearled guineas.
All my birds are for eggs only.

The last few years have been crazy. I have been working to reduce a sudden onslaught of parasite issues (tapeworms, mites, coccidosis). I made some major changes, but now have things down to a dull roar. Also, I have stubbornly been mixing my own feed, which has been full of challenges (various pests: weevils, sawtoothed beetles, booklice, mold) and learning experiences (I know way more now about mineral interactions than I ever learned in any nutrition class!!!).

My line of work is Plant Science, and I am a licensed crop consultant.

Nice joining the team!

Good morning!

Im AGstudy (cause I like studying AG, wow!)
I have 17 chickens and 8 guinea fowl. Males and females. I have had poultry since I was a kid and love spending time with my birds. They are such characters! I have a passion for animal behavior and enjoy watching all their interactions.

As for breeds: I have had Plymoth Barred Rocks, Buff Orphingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Cream Legbars, California Whites, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns (light brown type), Barnvelders and Egyptain Fayoumis. I just have pearled guineas.
All my birds are for eggs only.

The last few years have been crazy. I have been working to reduce a sudden onslaught of parasite issues (tapeworms, mites, coccidosis). I made some major changes, but now have things down to a dull roar. Also, I have stubbornly been mixing my own feed, which has been full of challenges (various pests: weevils, sawtoothed beetles, booklice, mold) and learning experiences (I know way more now about mineral interactions than I ever learned in any nutrition class!!!).

My line of work is Plant Science, and I am a licensed crop consultant.

Nice joining the team!

How often do you consult with your crops? You seem to have some very interesting poultry.
Welcome to the club and please no fowl language. Bok, Bok, Bok 🐓

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