New brooder, new chicken house

Very very nice! I am presently scavenging materials for another coop which will in no way compare to yours.
Great job!
Actually, the house is white with green trim, but it is coming down either this summer or next spring, preferrably sooner before later. Why, you ask? There are too many reasons, but let's just say mice and a never ending stream of water running into our basement are two at the top. It needs a lot of work that just isn't worth trying to do to this old place, so we are going to build an in-ground dome structure which is pretty unique in these parts. I will post when that all begins. The destruction will actually most likely be dismantling by some Amish folks so the wood can be salvaged.

The other building you are probably referring is a corrugated metal sided granary that is about 100-years old. Then there is another newer building that is yellow and will have a brownish trim called "witch hazel".

I have the same light green paint I used on the chicken tractors I build (by myself I might add) last year. It is called 'fresh ginger' or something like that. It is a very light green. The trim I used on the tractors is 'nutmeg'. I am starting to think that I should just go with the red. The floor is going to be linoleum. I am then dividing it into 9, 4-foot wide X 12-foot long pens with outdoor runs attached to each.

The guys finished today with their end of the deal, now I need to get in and get the inside done. I also have that brooder house, or B & B, as I call it (Brooder and Banty House) that I have to finish up so I can get all my 100+ chicks out of my garage and put in there.

Once I have it all done, including the landscaping, then the real jealousy can ensue. I have waited a long time to have all of this, and now I am finally seeing it coming together. If I am going to breed chickens and care for them properly and have them happy and healthy, then I need a good, safe place to do that. Right? I come from a family with 11 children (yeah, they were Catholic) and we don't do anything little.

Thanks for all the compliments, friends. I sure do love all the support and fun that goes into this sight. You guys are great!
Yes, this calls for more than coop envy. We must call in the big guns for this one, it's a mansion! I better not show my chickens this, they'll demand an upgrade.
Nicely done, as we say in my neck of the woods "Yall went whole Hog" on that coop. Congrats, I am happy for you.
Outstanding job! You could give tours of your chicken house and probably get lots of interest from others in your area who want to keep chickens, and thus establish a ready-made customer base when you want to start your paying operation. Congrats!
Dadgum, I could live in that thang and have the space to rent rooms. Seriously though VERY NICE. Wish I had one like that
. I'm just startin out and I just have a lil ol coop/run combo. Though I built it myself still wish I could've done a lil better job on it.
But I guess over time I'll add on here and there. I wanna start a "hobby business" of breeding and sellin eggs for myself as well so if there's anyone out there with info or opinions on the minimum of space and chickens I'll need to start one of those please share. Once again VERY NICE chicken house.
. I'm pretty sure you got my beat

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