
May 10, 2023
Hi! I'm a first-time chick owner. This is also my first day on this forum, which I've heard a lot of great things about! I got 7 chicks from a really reputable guy in our area. He gets all of his chicks vent sexed at the hatchery where he orders from. They're all soooo friendly, and they immediately get into my hands. They are 3 weeks old now, and this Easter Egger girl (hopefully) as well as one of her sisters has a tiny, 3-row pea comb. I know Easter Eggers are pretty tough to sex, I was just wondering if this little comb was any indication that her vent sexing wasn't accurate. I'd be broken-hearted if we couldn't keep her! She's already perching on my shoulder. Her voice is also slightly changed. Definitely slightly more mature. I called the feed store where I got her, and he said the voice change wasn't an indication of anything other than changing hormones.


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