New Chicken Mama in northwestern NC


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2025
Ashe Co NC USA
Hi all!

New chick owner - walked into TSC about 3.5 weeks ago for some dog bones & toys and came out with 6 chicks and a starter kit. :hmm

I grew up on a farm and we had 2 very large hen houses where we gathered the eggs and sold them. Been around chickens, but it's been ages ago. Lots of other farm critters as well. Fast forward to many years down the road and I have always wanted to have chickens - love the fresh eggs that I would get from friends - and well, I now have them. :)

Had I done my research before an impulse buy, I probably would have bought 4 Orpingtons & 2 others or maybe all 6 would be Orpingtons. Those little girls are the MOST friendly I have ever met.

I bought chickens and I had no brooder, no coop, nothing. They came home to live in a large tote with the necessities and last week, they moved out and into new accommodations - a 6'x2.5' aluminum container/trough from TSC. They are much happier, but I think they are going to outgrow this soon. They have a couple seasoned split pieces of wood as roosts - something wide & flat to perch on, the requisite heat lamp & thermometer, a mirror toy, and a couple of other things to roost on (but are kinda too small). And, of course, the feeder/waterer.

I don't have anyone here to really help build a coop/run and I really didn't want to have to buy something from TSC. I found a person on Marketplace that builds and delivers, so I'm having a 6'x12' coop/run built. I know about chicken math and I wanted something larger, but I decided to just get something for what I have right now - it's built so that I can and will be able to expand if needed.

It's going to be delivered the first week of April, which is definitely when it's needed. I am working on preparing the place it will go by getting blocks/pavers as a base for it and putting fencing underneath the blocks to prevent predator digging. The coop/run will have hardware cloth on it as well.

And, here we typing this and listening to the chicks in my dining room, chirp, chase each other, scratch and peck. :)

OK - answering some of the questions....
I have a 15yr old Min Pin that wants to eat the chicks, a 11-13yr not your typical Chihuahua that doesn't care a thing about them, and the future SO has a Border Collie that wants to protect & herd them. Also have 2 outside kitties..

I have just wanted the chickens for the eggs. Current egg prices have nothing to do with having them. All of my critters are well cared for & loved and these will be no different. My future SO says he wants to come back as a dog, or a cat, or now a chicken. LOL.

I'm a retired from the DOT as a Hydraulics Engineer (transportation) but I have been working for a consulting firm for the last 10yr.

I love gardening, being outside, hiking, bicycling, kayaking, riding my Ducati. Winter is my favorite season, but as spring starts to roll around, I have a love for the spring/summer too. Really, since living in the mountains - I love all 4 seasons. Living in the Raleigh NC area previously - it's always hot it seems.

Found out about the site via my google searches on all stuff chick related. :)
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Sweet intro! Nice to meet you, and welcome to BYC!
Hi all!

New chick owner - walked into TSC about 3.5 weeks ago for some dog bones & toys and came out with 6 chicks and a starter kit. :hmm
Yep, common story. Welcome, and let it begin lol!

You might be in my backyard? We're in far western Watauga County in upper NWNC. Give me a holler if you're anywhere near me. It would be fun to connect with another Appalachia dweller! Also love the winter, biking, kayaking, etc. We have two grown children who live nearby and an Alto travel trailer that gets us out of our introvert mode, so along with our small homestead, my husband and I are living the "dream." I put that in quotes because I've heard it said that dreams are a lot of work, which is true but still... we wouldn't have it any other way.

I started the same way as you, about a decade ago. Grew up around them, always given or bought fresh eggs, finally invested in my own. Good decision all around!
Over near the Laurel Springs, but still in Ashe County.

2 grown children too. Son (youngest) lives down near New Bern & has a 15mo old (my 3rd grand), daughter is in West Jefferson (16yr & 14yr grands).
Very sweet! Our son-in-law grew up in Ashe. He and our daughter live in Boone now. His mom (who is amazing and one of my best friends) still lives in Fleetwood so we go to WJ all the time to eat out, shop, etc.

What fun that you're so close! Maybe we can meet in person one of these days. Reach out if you need anything. Happy to help!

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