New chicken mom.

Welcome. I moved from on the border of MA and NH a little over two years ago. Love New England, especially NH. You have a lot of predators that love chickens. You can protect them with 1/2 inch hardware cloth and a ceiling for aerials and climbers. You will want to have an apron also. It is when you attach hardware cloth to the bottom of your run and the run it out on the ground 18-inches and out rocks or earth on top of the hardware cloth, If you live in northern NH, you may also consider an electric fence.
I know with the predators. We are putting the 1/2 inch hardwire all around to the top and with the apron. We did half metal roof and half clear polycarbonate for the roof so in winter, they will have some sunshine. We also got 8x10 clear 10ML reinforced poly tarp with grommets for the sides in the winter. So hopefully they can make use of the coop run (10x20 by 7ft tall) in the winter. Small swimming pool for dust bath, and of course some roosts and hanging things for entertainment. Maybe do some logs or some other items for interest and for the chickens to get some personal space. Hopefully it is big enough for the 12 chickens. The coop is 5x6 with external nesting boxes. I am really hoping it is big enough. If not, we can expand and make the 6 ft long go to 12 ft long.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Congrats on your new flock! Nice variety of breeds you picked, will make for a colorful chicken yard for sure!

Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions about anything along the way, be sure to ask.

Welcome to our community!
Thank you. I am sure I will have questions...
Good morning. Welcome to BYC, and congratulations on your new flock! We'd love to see pictures if you have some to share. (We enjoy seeing pictures of dogs too. 😊)
Thanks, I will get some pictures soon. For now, here is Happy...

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