new chicken owner with questions!


Mar 13, 2013
Hi everyone! I've been using this site for a long time to learn about my 11 girls. No clue what breeds, they were a gift. And the best ones at that! They are my first chickens, and they were given to me as little fluffy babies. My question is can anyone give me some ideas on what breeds can add some color to my flock? I've got 6 golden colored hens and 5 that look like RIRs but I'm not sure. :) links to hatcheries that will allow small orders, 10 or less, would be great too! Thank you to everyone and the endless well of great information you have contributed to here! Oh Ya, I'm in Arizona btw. I've noticed location has a lot to do with shipping from hatcheries. I'm looking forward to all your input!
you could post your questions on the Arizona (check out "Where am I, Where are you." forum to find it. You may find someone in your area and not have to have chicks shipped. There are also feed stores that sell chicks, you could pick out yourself. Did you mean you wanted more color in your flock as in "eye candy," or did you mean you want breeds that produce colored eggs?
Eye candy is a good way of putting it! :D thanks for the tip about the Arizona forum. I'm new and still learning to navigate. I
I've been to my local feed stores and they don't have any really colorful breeds. Usually RIRs and white Leghorns.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
We introduced Silkie/cochins to our flock and have ended up with some really gorgeous and colorful chickens. White,brown,red,gray,blue,all mostly came from the rooster that is my profile pic. Granted the hens are a mixed breed bantam but this many colors didnt come through till him!

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