New chickens to replace the ones I lost to predator.

I actually wanted a roo that’s why I picked him. Even when she said female I was like hummmm you just think I want a female. My loving RI rooster Red was taken so I wanted a rooster but. It’s different he is very defensive not like the one I raised since a chick followed me everywhere 😢. Hopefully he can warm up to me and also they have a huge sign that “WE DO NOT GUARANTEE GENDER” lol


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I actually wanted a roo that’s why I picked him. Even when she said female I was like hummmm you just think I want a female. My loving RI rooster Red was taken so I wanted a rooster but. It’s different he is very defensive not like the one I raised since a chick followed me everywhere 😢. Hopefully he can warm up to me and also they have a huge sign that “WE DO NOT GUARANTEE GENDER” lol
He is 100% cockerel. The other one is 100% pullet (a pretty little thing too). The australorp a beautiful blue tone. Offspring will be interesting, and any that are blue or black are from the australorp.
Any idea what breed is the roo? He seems to have similar face feathers as the Easter egger.
I actually wanted a roo that’s why I picked him. Even when she said female I was like hummmm you just think I want a female. My loving RI rooster Red was taken so I wanted a rooster but. It’s different he is very defensive not like the one I raised since a chick followed me everywhere 😢. Hopefully he can warm up to me and also they have a huge sign that “WE DO NOT GUARANTEE GENDER” lol
Pretty chicks!
You think full breed or mixed? He was sold as a mixed cinnamon queen. But he does look like my Easter egger but colors are different
You think full breed or mixed? He was sold as a mixed cinnamon queen. But he does look like my Easter egger but colors are different
Just like @nuthatched said, Easter eggers are mixes, of a blue egg laying breed (usually ameraucana but sometimes cream legbar) and a brown egg layer. It basically just means that they lay pretty colored eggs. So they can be pretty much any color of feathers ! I like them personally even though they are mutts but some prefer purebreeds. Pretty birds you have there.

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