New chicks in SC

Hey All,

We are new to raising backyard chickens. My grandfather had a commercial chicken farm in CA and my father grew up working it. But the farm was sold when I was young so even though my childhood was filled with raising chicken stories I had none of the experiences.

I now live in suburban Fort Mill SC and we just got our first batch of chicks. This will be a homeschool project for our 15 yr old son.
We have Rhode Island Reds, Black Sexlinks, midnight Marians, and a mystery chick.

Let the adventure begin!
Welcome. I am an hour and a half from you. Let me know if I can help with your new journey.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow We'd love to see pictures. Share that mystery chick and maybe we can figure it out.

If not, we have a forum you can post it in or here's a chick identifier where you might see yours in.
Here are some photos of the mystery chick…

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