New chicks with mama hen in the coop, treadle feeder and nipple waterer, help?


Jun 4, 2023
Northern BC
I have a first time mama hen who just hatched some chicks in the coop with the other 5 hens. I have water in buckets with nipples, and a treadle feeder. The coop is raised, with a ramp. I have a large run where the chickens roam. Do I have to worry about providing food or water separately for the chicks? I am concerned that if I do my other hens will take advantage of it and leave none for the chicks. I also would really like to try to get mama hen to raise them with the rest of the flock. This is my first time trying to raise chicks in the coop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :jumpy
You'll need to provide food and water somewhere that the chicks can access as they cannot use either the treadle feeder or the nipple waterer at this age. If that means the hens get into it too, so be it.

You could try using a creep feeder so only the chicks can get it (like some folks tuck chick feeders under a pallet for example), but it does mean that mama won't be able to show them how to use it either.
I am a first timer, too. I have put a separate waterer that the chicks can get to easier. They can't reach the nipple feeders. I also have a tray type feeder for chick starter. The rooster and hen get some on occasion, but not much. My biggest issue is the dirt that gets slung into them since they are on the ground
I am a first timer, too. I have put a separate waterer that the chicks can get to easier. They can't reach the nipple feeders. I also have a tray type feeder for chick starter. The rooster and hen get some on occasion, but not much. My biggest issue is the dirt that gets slung into them since they are on the ground
Elevate on bricks or if the chicks are still too small to reach that high up, a wooden board or two.

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