New chicks

Welcome to BYC. You have enough space. How much roost space do you have? (You need no less than 24' of roost.) I would suggest adding things that would entertain them. Hang a cabbage. Add a mirror. Put in some dust baths, lean a pallet or two against the wall for hiding spaces.
For ants sprinkling garden dust with permethrin around the border should help.
Do that have this at TSC? Is it safe to put inside coop also? Also, I have two 10’ roosting bars & a large limb they like to play on also. I’m currently trying to train them to use the bars. I have a bucket with a lid I keep their feed & wood chips in, and the big girls try to all cuddle up on top of it rather than roosting bars, should I take it out so they start using roosting bars thank you so much for your advice!!!
Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

We have your situation (almost) with some 1, 4, 5-year-old birds in the main coop who all free range as well as the 4-month-olds and the 2-month-olds.

There never is an issue until I bring out the ferment/treat so I have to lob it out in about 10 spots so everyone gets some without others being pushed away. Otherwise, other than feeding frenzy, they stay out of each other's way.

At coop time, the 2-month-olds go to their temp coop and all the rest head to the main one. Tomorrow, we'll do it all again. ☺️

To keep ants from the coop and the house, I sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around both. Redo that when it rains. If I see an ant in the house, I know I forgot!
I’ve been using the food grade DE, sprinkling it all through the coop with fresh bedding on top, but I’m still seeing ants in there the big, black juicy fire ants. And I believe the ants killed two birds a few weeks back, that’s when I got the DE & havent had any more deaths since I put it out but I’m still seeing them inside coop. I imagine a few are ok because chickens like to eat them right
I’ve been using the food grade DE, sprinkling it all through the coop with fresh bedding on top, but I’m still seeing ants in there the big, black juicy fire ants. And I believe the ants killed two birds a few weeks back, that’s when I got the DE & havent had any more deaths since I put it out but I’m still seeing them inside coop. I imagine a few are ok because chickens like to eat them right
It could be a nest somewhere so there will be a continuous run of them but they'll keep dying in the areas you have the DE at. The DE isn't poisoning them, it's drying them out so they become crunchy treats. ☺️

I would inspect around your coop as they are coming in there from a main source is my guess.
Do that have this at TSC? Is it safe to put inside coop also? Also, I have two 10’ roosting bars & a large limb they like to play on also. I’m currently trying to train them to use the bars. I have a bucket with a lid I keep their feed & wood chips in, and the big girls try to all cuddle up on top of it rather than roosting bars, should I take it out so they start using roosting bars thank you so much for your advice!!!
Yes. You can find the poultry dust at Tractor supply.
It looks like this

If your roosts are higher than the bucket, they will eventually get on the roost.
When do I need to worry about how bigger chicks are pecking smaller chickens? All my chickens are younger than 4 months old , I also have the same number 2 month old chickens as I do 4 month olds, added them to the flock after being housed next to each other for about a month, older chickens pecking and I’m seeing more of the older chickens feathers than the smaller ones. ( all my younger chicks are black feathered so I can tell the difference) nobody seems ill. Should I be concerned? What do I look for? Also what can I do to help keep ants out of the coop? Thanks 🙏
that's plenty of space! here are my personal rules about pecking chickens (all ages, btw)
1) my number one rule - is there sufficient access for all birds to water and feed - if not, add more water, feed stations, until that is not an issue. if you have repeating bullies, you can try to train by isolating the bully in a cage for a week or so - it tends to take them down in the pecking order and sometimes works. but you must be isolating the bully, not the bullied!
2) is there blood? when pecking becomes blood sport, it is more difficult to stop. red blood is attractive for more pecking. Honestly, I've only seen this with the boys - and for them I will isolate, and keep them isolated to avoid fights.
3) a lot can be said for adding distractions. I love tossing in apples to the yard. it gives them something to peck and chase that is not another chicken. you can also use a small cabbage -- or really anything novel they will find more entertaining. a bored chicken is more likely to get into trouble.
4) have patience - pecking order is a real thing - and it changes throughout their lives. a formerly head of flock who becomes broody and isolates themselves, then moves down to the bottom, and works their way back up - chickens can seem mean - but it's their way.

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