New coop, small, street legal :P

BTW, I finally got my chicks trained to use their nipple waterer by wedging dried mealworms and random kitchen scraps like cantaloupe seeds in under the nipples. They'd take the treat and realize that it was wet there.
Thank you for this idea. Sorry to interrupt this amazing thread!

What a cool coop!
The coop reminds me of a Victorian home...very cute! Love the Polish chickens...they are easily picked up by hawks because they can't see well. I lost my polish hen, Ivy because of that in November of last year, when the hawks were passing through migrating. But she got out while I was not home and flew over the fence.

I've been wanting to make a trailer that I could haul plywood on, and since you can haul an entire coop, surely I could make something that will work.
We are now at 268 eggs, everyone is doing ok but the polish sisters have started beating up on the silkie, it started during the icepocalypse a few weeks ago (they were inside, laying eggs so not too stressed... lol)


They tore her head up pretty bad, mom got it healed up but when we reintroduced they went right back at her and after one day she was in isolation again. By isolation I mean free ranging the house and roosting on the coffee table at night :plbb

It’s been fun but she needs to go back outside, so what is the solution? I turned to chicken math to solve this problem:


Three bantams, a black and a red frizzle Cochin, and a white silkie. Also one normal sized black australorp. Why you ask? Well naturally three bantams are to keep Turd the Silkie company in her new coop! and the Austalorpe to take Turd’s spot in the “big” coop.

buried some treated 2x10s about 6” in the ground (clay), added some nailers to the existing stair posts, built a door for access, just need to hang the hardware cloth and add dirt to finish the run. I’m in the process of building the coop with scraps I have so it’s form is going to be a surprise lol.


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