New coop, venting issue causing frostbite?

hmmmm actually this might be caused by me :( as you can see from the pictures I am installing the white vinyl fencing but the fence contractor keeps getting rained out and has not yet completed the job. I had a cheap wire and post fence that i would move around the yard. I have not let them in the yard for the past 4 days starting 2 days before i saw the black spots. Since the yard was under construction I thought that the fenced in run was good enough, but perhaps they were bored with that and starting picking on each other. i have let them out the last two days in the mud pit and i have not seen the black spots worsen. Just them beating up on each other??
Just them beating up on each other??
Hard to know for sure.
A bit if a peck, shoving comb against a fence or whatever.
The other morning there were bright drops of blood in the coop and a big smear of it on the feeder tube(indicating it was likely a comb injury)...never did figure out who was bleeding from what<shrugs>.
On those mysterious black spots, my roosters have had those from time to time. They are different from pecking spots, which almost all chickens get once in a while when the pecking order adjusts itself. These mysterious black spots are more like pimples and they are almost always perfect dots, not the formless shapes pecking causes.

One time I was curious what was inside and I scraped one with my fingernail. It had a very scant amount of liquid in it. We're talking spots as small as most freckles on humans or even smaller. I put Blu-kote on these black spots whenever they would appear, and they would clear up in just a couple days, almost never coming back on the same rooster. And it's always been roosters I've noticed having them, never hens.

I've searched for an official explanation for years, and have never come across one, although it seems very common that people report them here on BYC over the time I've been here, nearly nine years. I've concluded they're harmless, whatever they are.
thanks for the feedback. i looked up fowl pox and it doesnt look anything like that thankfully.

If the black spots aren't Fowl Pox, could it be...


I'm just joking, I've had mine get small black dots on their combs, I think it's just battle scars from jousting with mine.

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