New duckling baby— help!


Apr 16, 2020
I recently acquired a single duck... it’s a long story but basically a store closed and the conditions it was in were terrible! She would go hours without water and was stuck with TONS of chickens in such a small brooder. She’s very young still- can’t be much more than a week. However, I’ve only had her a day, and she cannot tolerate being separated from me! I don’t mind her imprinting because i’m able to give her the attention she needs, but I can’t even shower or sleep without her disrupting my whole house! I would get another to keep her company , but I already had to force my parents to let us keep her because they didn’t understand how bad it is, and unfortunately that’s not a possibility for them. Any tips on how to make her more of a duck and less attached? at least so i can shower without her being stressed.
I recently acquired a single duck... it’s a long story but basically a store closed and the conditions it was in were terrible! She would go hours without water and was stuck with TONS of chickens in such a small brooder. She’s very young still- can’t be much more than a week. However, I’ve only had her a day, and she cannot tolerate being separated from me! I don’t mind her imprinting because i’m able to give her the attention she needs, but I can’t even shower or sleep without her disrupting my whole house! I would get another to keep her company , but I already had to force my parents to let us keep her because they didn’t understand how bad it is, and unfortunately that’s not a possibility for them. Any tips on how to make her more of a duck and less attached? at least so i can shower without her being stressed.
just to clarify i wouldn’t have agreed to take her if i didn’t think it was for the best. the other animals she was with were dying from being trampled on and it wasn’t a good situation.
ALSO- any advice for making her a diaper? I would love for her to be able to waddle around the house with me. I’ve tried a sock but it didn’t go well.
I saw on televison that a wild life refuge used a feather duster for wild mallards to cuddle under like a momma duck. That might help.
You can set a mirror and stuffed toy in with her to keep her company, sometimes I'll play nature music for them as well, seems to calm them down. They really don't do well alone so I suggest you either find her another friend soon or find someone who will take her.
You can set a mirror and stuffed toy in with her to keep her company, sometimes I'll play nature music for them as well, seems to calm them down. They really don't do well alone so I suggest you either find her another friend soon or find someone who will take her.
I have a stuffed animal for her but i don’t think she realizes yet. I feel bad just giving her away if she’s already attached. Is that worse?
I have a stuffed animal for her but i don’t think she realizes yet. I feel bad just giving her away if she’s already attached. Is that worse?

I realize that, but in the long run, she'd be much happier with other ducklings they are very social birds that need company 24/7.
I have a stuffed animal for her but i don’t think she realizes yet. I feel bad just giving her away if she’s already attached. Is that worse?
I don’t think that she can live a very full with just you as her flock. Your life will go on and you will not be able to cater everything to this little duck. She will be so much happier with a flock. Plus, since she’s still so young, it will be easy for her to develop an attachment again.
I saw on televison that a wild life refuge used a feather duster for wild mallards to cuddle under like a momma duck. That might help.
I rolled up a blanket and created a nook kind of like that and she seems to love it! I can walk away with her freaking out haha. thanks for the idea
I don’t think that she can live a very full with just you as her flock. Your life will go on and you will not be able to cater everything to this little duck. She will be so much happier with a flock. Plus, since she’s still so young, it will be easy for her to develop an attachment again.
She also has my family who adores her if that helps! I genuinely am wondering because I do want what’s best for her. I’m trying to find her another home but it’s not looking good right now.

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