New egglayer breaking eggs


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2024
My 5 month old Barnevelder just laid her 1st egg and it was huge, double yolk and 2x the size of the eggs we have been seeing from her sister so far. Unfortunately she broke it up pretty badly. We were still able to pick it up in 1 poece but barely, the shell was practically shattered but miraculously the inner membrane was still in tact.
Now, her sister (same age) started laying 2.5 weeks ago and we noticed she started pecking at her eggs as soon as she was showing signs that she would be laying soon as well (about a week now). She is not trying to eat them, but if she sees them she starts pecking them. Even if she sees me removing them she will try to get to them. Is she just confused about what's going on and needs to get used to things or is this something more? No signs of feather plucking, broody-ness, and has never gotten through the shell to actually eat the egg. She just seems to like to crack the shell 🙄
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If you trim that chickens upper beak slightly, that may stop the pecking of the eggs. I trim my chickens upper beaks sometimes, to prevent aggressive behavior to other flock members. Never trim the lower beak. Chicken would not be able to drink water then.
With a trimmed beak, it seems the chicken does not feel comfortable pecking things. The beak does grow back in time to like before.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
If you trim that chickens upper beak slightly, that may stop the pecking of the eggs. I trim my chickens upper beaks sometimes, to prevent aggressive behavior to other flock members. Never trim the lower beak. Chicken would not be able to drink water then.
With a trimmed beak, it seems the chicken does not feel comfortable pecking things. The beak does grow back in time to like before.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Thank you for the suggestion! If she doesn't stop on her own I may try this 😊
Probably curiosity pecking, not unusual with new layers.
Collecting eggs frequently and putting a fake egg in each nest can help save eggs and eventually they lose interest in the pecking.
I have 1 fake egg in each nesting box already. Do you think I should add more? I'm hoping this is all it is and she will just lose interest and move on. Thank you for replying!

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