New Frizzle momma

Jun 23, 2024
Hi all, so I'm not new to chickens. I have the below list. My question is I have a 4 month old frizzle and she talks all day long. It's adorable and yet annoying. She doesn't appear to have anything wrong with her although I have not yet seen a vet to rule out major issues. All her siblings were talkers as well but they quiet down throughout the day where she is constantly making these little weep weep noises. I got her 2 baby chick's which helped a ton. But she still does it. Just not nearly as loud now. Any advice you can give besides the vet option? I'm in the process of moving and not opposed to a vet but want to see if anyone has the same issues with any of their frizzles.

Bielefeld x Easter egger x silkie 2 hens
Silver laced sussex 4 hens
Frizzle bantam cochin calico 1 hen
White crested black polish babies & rooster
Buff orpingon x black australorp rooster
Mottled polish rooster

2 of my roosters are separated and not with the flock. And the frizzle is only with the two babies as they are all too small to be in the big kid pen


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I have 4 frizzle silkies and I don't notice them being any more chattery than the others. I have had a couple really noisy girls though, no pattern on breed or feathers, it's been pretty random, about 1 in each group chicks I've gotten over the years. One was a Black Astraulorp, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Easter Egger. Oddly I don't have any really talkative chicks this year.
I have 4 frizzle silkies and I don't notice them being any more chattery than the others. I have had a couple really noisy girls though, no pattern on breed or feathers, it's been pretty random, about 1 in each group chicks I've gotten over the years. One was a Black Astraulorp, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Easter Egger. Oddly I don't have any really talkative chicks this year.
Oh you have sizzles! Yeah this girl was the most chatty out of the group. She's getting a little quieter with having a friend. I got her from a friend 2 weeks ago. His others were chatty but not like this.
Oh you have sizzles! Yeah this girl was the most chatty out of the group. She's getting a little quieter with having a friend. I got her from a friend 2 weeks ago. His others were chatty but not like this.
She must have a lot of stories to tell. I have one that will run across the yard to me just squawking away and then circles around my feet chatting it up and staring at me. She doesn't want to be touched, but she just intensely stares at me and makes a racket.

Oh, make that 6, I forgot about my black silkied frizzle rooster and mauve hen. I didn't exactly want frizzles and here I am with 3 girls and 3 boys. I have regular silkies to pair all my breeders with, but yikes, I'm going to have so many frizzles 😬

I don't have any satin frizzles yet, but hopefully I'll hatch one next year. My friend hatched an awesome satin frizzle splash this spring, it's so cool looking!

Your little one us really adorable.
Thank you. If I put her down on the ground she screams and runs and climbs on my feet. If I pick her up she jumps to my shoulder and hides in my hair. All the while still making her odd noises

She must have a lot of stories to tell. I have one that will run across the yard to me just squawking away and then circles around my feet chatting it up and staring at me. She doesn't want to be touched, but she just intensely stares at me and makes a racket.

Oh, make that 6, I forgot about my black silkied frizzle rooster and mauve hen. I didn't exactly want frizzles and here I am with 3 girls and 3 boys. I have regular silkies to pair all my breeders with, but yikes, I'm going to have so many frizzles 😬

I don't have any satin frizzles yet, but hopefully I'll hatch one next year. My friend hatched an awesome satin frizzle splash this spring, it's so cool looking!

Your little one us really adorable.
It sounds like she's extra timid and worried. She's still a bit new there so she might get braver as she gets older.
One thought, can you check her over really well? Make sure her joints toes, bottoms of her feet look good. Check as much if her skin as possible and everything external. Look for anything abnormal, check her preen gland.

If she checks out ok, is growing normally, pooping normally, I think you just have a shy little chatty bug.
One thought, can you check her over really well? Make sure her joints toes, bottoms of her feet look good. Check as much if her skin as possible and everything external. Look for anything abnormal, check her preen gland.

If she checks out ok, is growing normally, pooping normally, I think you just have a shy little chatty bug.
Well it's been 3 weeks and she's finally quieted down. I've checked her top to bottom. Toe to toe. Nothing odd looking. I think she was just shy. Oddly enough I had a special needs quail I put in with her and they snuggled up and that was that hardly a peep since. She had another baby chicken with her but it didn't satisfy her
My now-late Cochin Frizzle Bantam was named Gabby because she talked All The Time. Thing is, she sounded like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, like she was always sad or depressed.

She was a delight and I often laughed at her "conversations."

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