New goat owner - confused about minerals


Oct 3, 2023
North Texas
Hi! I have recently acquired four wethers - Nigerian dwarf/pygmy crosses 😄 I’m wondering if anyone might be able to assist me with how to provide their minerals?

Since they will eat hay and forage only (no grain) how can I administer the minerals? I’ve read it’s ok to offer them free choice, kind of like oyster shells for hens. But then on the bag it says to be sure only a certain amount is consumed per day. If there’s no grain to mix them into/sprinkle them on, what’s the best way to provide the minerals?

Thank you!
Hi! I have recently acquired four wethers - Nigerian dwarf/pygmy crosses 😄 I’m wondering if anyone might be able to assist me with how to provide their minerals?

Since they will eat hay and forage only (no grain) how can I administer the minerals? I’ve read it’s ok to offer them free choice, kind of like oyster shells for hens. But then on the bag it says to be sure only a certain amount is consumed per day. If there’s no grain to mix them into/sprinkle them on, what’s the best way to provide the minerals?

Thank you!
I have a Goat book, i'll see if I can find something. And I'll get back to you
Thank you! Do you have a mineral brand you really like over others?
I use a regional brand Called Sprout made by Fleet farm. Be sure to get a mineral formulated for goats as it contains copper. Unless you are keeping sheep as well.

I have used mineral blocks here and there over the years that are formulated for cattle. They can work too if you have nothing else available.

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