New Hampshire!

Hay everyone! I'm looking for someone in the Northern part of NH that might have a few Muscovy Duck and Black Silkie eggs! And they have to be TRUE A1 (right piglet) eggs! Aiso if any of you on Sebastopol geese, I'm giving a shout out to you on the Where are you/ site. Please sign in and say Hello!
Hi Renie! We're keeping our eye's opened everyday! :drool
I signed onto the hatchalong! I'm new to incubating (and my sebbie's) ;) Be careful, I just might be bugging you for help! ;)
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Good morning neighbors!!

I have a Golden Cukoo Orpington cockerel, about 9 months available. I am not going to breed this variety. If anyone is interested please contact me.
Hello all! Alexandria here! 7 hens, 2 guineas and waiting on 6 more chicks and 2 blue swedes! So done with this cold! Our free ranging hens are going nuts! (As am I)

Hay Mamabuch! It started out at minus 20 yesterday! We're all biting at the bite up north here w/ still a few feet of snow! AARRGGG!!!!! And it's minus 14 today!
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-20!!? Holy crap! It wasn't quite that cold here! I would LOVE for some of this snow to melt (HA!) for the chickens.. also, my fiancé are having an outdoor wedding in June so it's gotta stop snowing haha!
Hey Guys, im looking for some new birds!

Looking for eggs, chicks, or pullets of French Black Copper Marans and Easter Eggers

also desperately looking for a Rhode Island Red Roo and a Buff Orpington Roo healthy and ready for some ladies!

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