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Thank you so much! We love them! Here is our sapphire gem. Not sure if this one is a rooster or hen either.
Thank you so much! We love them! Here is our sapphire gem. Not sure if this one is a rooster or hen either.
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I don't want to get your hopes up (there are definitely more qualified people on here to say) but I think they are all female. I have never seen a Sapphire Gem with a comb like that, though. Could she be a Sapphire Gem cross? Did you get her from a feed store or hatchery? Do you know how old they are? Have you heard any crowing or seen any eggs from them?
I wasn't told if the sapphire gem was crossed with anything. It could be. They were all born the day after mother's day so almost 5 months now. My brown polish has started to get a little mean to the others and have noticed 2 top tail feathers popping up more. We are really hoping they are hens as we are not allowed roosters where we live. The 3 that I have posted also have bigger bumps where the spurs would be than our one that I haven't posted yet. No eggs yet, but have heard some sounds however we've never had chickens before so not quite sure what the difference between a hen and rooster sound is. Thank you for your response much appreciated!

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