New here


In the Brooder
Dec 23, 2024
Hello I’m Lynnette! I’m not new to chickens at all. I have grown up around them my whole life. I have recently gotten in to raising ducks as well. I currently only have 2 ducks but help with my mom’s flock of chickens ducks and turkeys. I have one pekin and a mixed duck. I love my ducks because they have such personalities! I heard about this website while googling and I am also a member on Facebook book!

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

This is definitely the place to be when you keep poultry! Lots of Duck owners here on BYC. You might like to stop by our Duck forum where you can post photos of your birds, chat with other Duck keepers or ask questions...

Make yourself at home here, browse our forums and if you have any questions about anything, be sure to ask.

Welcome to our community!
We're glad you joined the site! There are lots of duck fans here!

I saw your other post. Besides giving Niacin or liquid B-Complex (you can give the injectable for animal-use orally, but you will have to ask experienced duck owners for the dosage), I wish I could give more advice! I hope someone else can help and your girl gets better!

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!

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