New, it’s been awhile


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2025
Hi! I was on here years ago, when we first got chickens. We started our flock in 2021. Life got realllyyy busy with adding human babies (4 kids now) and homeschooling. We currently have 7 hens, 2 red star and 5 barnyard mix. We’ll be adding 14 chicks by the end of the month, which is why I returned to this site.

We live in Alaska on just over an acre. We’re a family of 6 that eats a lot of eggs! I want to try raising meat chickens soon too, but I’m not quite ready to take it on yet.

The youngest chicks I’ve raised were 3 day olds. We’re about to get 1 day old chicks, so I will gladly accept any advice, tips, tricks!

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