New member here!

I have 9 hens. Three are 4yo and 6 are not quite a year. There are 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Americaunas, 2 buff Orpingtons, and 2 silver-laced Wyandottes. My first 6 chickens lived in a home-built, moveable coop from plans I found on the internet. Every winter I moved them into the garage. What a mess. This fall I finally got a beautiful, solid coop, which they love. View attachment 4054067
The coop is raised off the ground so they can go underneath. You can’t see in this photo, but I shovel around the coop. They also have a water heater. I live in Vermont where winters can be tough.

View attachment 4054070

My corgi insisted on helping with painting the coop.

I look forward to gleaning info and tips from this group.
Welcome to the group! Congratulations on the expansion!.
Welcome to BYC!

Episode 4 Nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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