new member in BC, Canada!!!

Autumn Mama

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
British Columbia,

I'm about to begin the journey of a lifetime, with new chicks arriving in two more days, and then more on April 4th! I am a first-time chicken-mama and my family and I are uber excited.

We are a family of four: myself, a SAHM, my hard-working DH, and two wonderful boys, aged 7 and 3 (going on 7
). We are life learners, meaning that I homeschool, in an unstructured, natural, child-led way that brings our family some rich and vibrant learning experiences. We believe that children (and adults too!!!) "are learning all the time", to quote John Holt.

We are planning a small 'backyard flock' of 10-12 chickens, which will live in the coop my Dh and boys will build on our farm. We plan to raise them in accordance with organic methods, and they will primarily provide us with eggs to enjoy, and extensive enjoyment in the care and observation of the ways of chooks.

I was linked to Backyard Chickens from another forum that I participate in, that is geared towards natural parenting, called Motheringdotcommune. On that forum there is a subforum addressing issues and questions pertaining to "living off the grid/country living", and now here we are! Inspired to raise and love chickens and learn all we can about them (and ourselves...)along the way.

Soooo happy to be part of this helpful, warm and interesting community!
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So glad you are here.

Jump on in, ask questions and someone here is bound to teach you something new every day.

You will love chickens and if you live on a farm, you'll probably want a roo so that you can have the entire experience.

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