New Member Intro


In the Brooder
Oct 8, 2024
Hi There! I'm new to the group but not new to poultry. I have had them all my life.
I currently have 2 chicken flocks going. One pen with an ameraucana roo and a mix of different breed hens. And another pen with my Bielefelders and mint eggers that I hatched out this year. For a total of about 25 birds. We also have 4 ducks.. And are starting out with coturnix Quail 😂
I love having my own fresh eggs and the more colorful the better. I'm really addicted to incubating and hatching out babies and playing with egg color genetics.
I also raise sheep, and have a couple of horses. I make soap as a small business.
I've often used this forum as a resource for information and figured it might be time to join and give back- if I can be helpful to others.
Thanks for reading!
welcome to byc!

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