New Member question

another green egg today
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Ah ha. Thats what i thought as well. I was told at the feed store when i bought them they were buff orpingtons. But the orpingtons ive had in the past werent that color but more of a light sandy color
Could it be an Americana

It's an Easter Egger - meaning it likely has Ameraucana in it's breeding (the most common of the blue layers used for the crosses to get EE at the hatchery level, ime), but it is not a true Ameraucana. Good news is that the mixed breed blue layers tend to be higher producing than their purebred counterparts as they are crossed with production birds.
Can you get a better (side) photo of this bird and the one with the nice collar (between the two red birds almost across from the first bird in the photo) - we can help you get a breed ID on it as well if we can see it from the side as there are a few possiblitlies from what can be seen.

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