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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

This sounds like a prefab coop. If it says it's made for 10 you can probably fit 3. It sounds like you more than likely have an overcrowding issue that needs to be resolved with a larger coop and a much, much larger run. But please post pictures of your setup for clarification.
Red legs on a cockerel coming into sexual maturity is generally just a hormone flush and is perfectly normal.
I agree with @DobieLover, I also agree with @sourland
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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

This sounds like a prefab coop. If it says it's made for 10 you can probably fit 3. It sounds like you more than likely have an overcrowding issue that needs to be resolved with a larger coop and a much, much larger run. But please post pictures of your setup for clarification.
Red legs on a cockerel coming into sexual maturity is generally just a hormone flush and is perfectly normal.
Hi! Thank you! My coop is 50 inches long, 52 1/2inches wide and 72 1/4 inches high. My run is 16 feet long and my chickens free range during the day. I don’t think the size of the coop and run are an issue. Do you think my rooster issue is from not having adequate space? Thanks!
Hi! Thank you! My coop is 50 inches long, 52 1/2inches wide and 72 1/4 inches high. My run is 16 feet long and my chickens free range during the day. I don’t think the size of the coop and run are an issue. Do you think my rooster issue is from not having adequate space? Thanks!
Please post pictures of your setup. And your rooster.
I am new to BackYard Chickens and am thoroughly enjoying exploring this very informative site! I have 5 chickens and 1 rooster. My chicken was originally named Emmy Lou, but became Feather Foot after we learned our chicken was a rooster :) We love him and admire the way he protects his flock of 5.

I have noticed his legs are becoming a little red and I am closely watching this. His neck feathers were being pulled out by the chickens a few weeks ago and then the chickens would peck at it so I treated him for mites with a mite spray and diatomaceous earth in his dust bath and now his feathers are growing back and the chickens are leaving him alone, however his neck is still red. Could be slightly sunburn due to the feathers gone? could be mites? could be high blood flow due to getting new feathers?

If anyone has any ideas or advice as to what is going on, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Welcome to BYC!

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