New Member


Sep 8, 2024
Hello! New member, located in SC! I have just shy of 50 chickens... including polish, cochin bantam, red star, and just added Easter egger, Plymouth barred rock, frizzle:) One of my new chicks has cross beak, so was looking on threads online to see if taping helped or not at night and found a thread on here:)

We have a GSD, 2 6 gen? Bengal mixed cats and love to garden. Excited to learn more and share.
Hello! New member, located in SC! I have just shy of 50 chickens... including polish, cochin bantam, red star, and just added Easter egger, Plymouth barred rock, frizzle:) One of my new chicks has cross beak, so was looking on threads online to see if taping helped or not at night and found a thread on here:)

We have a GSD, 2 6 gen? Bengal mixed cats and love to garden. Excited to learn more and share.
Hello, and welcome to BYC! It's great to have you here! I love those chicken breeds. :welcome
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Unfortunately you can't redirect the growth of a crossbeak, the genetic code of the growth is already determined. Cross beaks can live perfectly normal lives however you will need to feed her wet mash for the rest of her days, possibly hand feeding if the cross gets too far gone. Best wishes with her!

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