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In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2025
Hello everyone! I just bought 6 Blue Jersey Giants and 10 Rhode Island Reds from a breeder-straight run. I have some experience with chickens, but not with a large breed. I had barred rocks, easter eggers, and comets before. I enjoy the therapy of going and feeding/watering and cleaning the brooder. I have only had the chicks since yesterday, and all seem happy and content. I only work part time, so it gives me more time to devote to my new flock. I have never had a rooster, and do not know how many I have currently, but I am looking forward to see how they get along with each other and myself! Thank you for letting me join! I am looking forward to having a healthy, happy flock.
Hello and welcome to BYC! Thanks for joining us.
Once they are 4 weeks old, you'll be able to start picking out the boys based on comb development. Feel free to post pictures if you need help IDing when the time comes.
Thank you! I hope I do not have 16 roosters, but I am looking forward to having some to see what that is like. I live on 6 acres and we are very secluded. I had some free ranging chickens, but some hunting beagles hurt some of my free rangers. I have an 8x8 and a 9x13 run that are put together. I am going to buy the 8x16 chicken coop in 2 weeks. I plan on putting the brooder in the new coop.
Hello everyone! I just bought 6 Blue Jersey Giants and 10 Rhode Island Reds from a breeder-straight run. I have some experience with chickens, but not with a large breed. I had barred rocks, easter eggers, and comets before. I enjoy the therapy of going and feeding/watering and cleaning the brooder. I have only had the chicks since yesterday, and all seem happy and content. I only work part time, so it gives me more time to devote to my new flock. I have never had a rooster, and do not know how many I have currently, but I am looking forward to see how they get along with each other and myself! Thank you for letting me join! I am looking forward to having a healthy, happy flock.
Welcome. Roosters are my favorites. They will be sweet and then they will go through a period of time where they get aggressive (6-10 months)...this is the time people want to get rid of them. But don't, because they will get sweet again when they work out and get through the beginning of sexual maturity. One cannot expect a rooster who will literally give their life for hens, to be calm as a cucumber when you are around the hens. This just doesn't happen.

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