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Snusnu of old homestead

In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2025
Thanks for letting me publish! I got chickens back in 1997 In Colorado springs from a gal who had my brother build a great coop, she didn't like it, so my brother gave it to me. So grateful!! Eventually I acquired 21 chickens, and was selling eggs to the neighbors for 3$ a dozen. I had great success and was hooked, until I accidently shut in a racoon one night, everything was decimated, to say the least. I decided to shut down, and my daughter came and got the remaining survivors, as she was raising a flock in Penrose, colorado. Needless to say, life went on, and now I'm doing it again! I live in Loveland, our back yard was so big my husband had a shop built in 1 corner. Used my inheritance to start my awesome coop and run, in the other corner, which my brother inlaw helped me build. Bought the large size "over ez" coop it is beautiful! Also got a 24 ft run from Amazon and reinforced it well with hardware cloth. I now have 9 girls. 2 welsummer, 3 lavender orpingtons, 2 Easter Eggers, and 2 new ones, black stars. At first I had 3 roosters, couldn't deal with the attacks, so I had 2 Easter eggers dispatched, and the welsummer who was absolutely gorgeous, I gave to someone in Eaton co. Now if I have a broody hen again, will proly get a couple more chicks!! The best way to introduce new members to the flock.
Enjoy your girls!!

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