New Mexico

nice to see that you joined byc bumpercarr. how is your project going. It's nice to see more and more people in New Mexico join the site
I'm working on getting some eggs so that I can hatch early this spring. Then, maybe, just maybe, I'll have enough of a brahma flock to be able to really get to work on the project. Trying to decide whether to get dark brahmas or try to find some more partridge brahmas. The partridge are beautiful, so are the darks. They breed well together and maintain their color when interbreeding. Anyway, I'll work on it! Here are some pics of my first two:

I'm working on getting some eggs so that I can hatch early this spring. Then, maybe, just maybe, I'll have enough of a brahma flock to be able to really get to work on the project. Trying to decide whether to get dark brahmas or try to find some more partridge brahmas. The partridge are beautiful, so are the darks. They breed well together and maintain their color when interbreeding. Anyway, I'll work on it! Here are some pics of my first two:

I forgot to add that these are 5 months old.
How awesome to have the skill to build things like that! My dad would build stuff, a shed, a dog house for my dog that had a shingled roof, insulation, siding, and the whole 9 yards. He did the wiring in our houses and built additions onto the houses when we were growing up. I now wish I had paid a lot more attention. So much knowledge there that I let slip through my fingers. My poor chickens are stuck in a coop that is an old 4 x 4 plywood doghouse I got off of freecycle and then couldn't figure out how to assemble correctly. It took four tries before I came up with a roost that seems to withstand whatever it is the two of them do in there. Next project is a proper slanted roof for it. I even had to ask some of the guys on my flyball team how to join 2 x 4's when they were meeting on corner on a horizontal plane, (like in a frame) instead of perpendicular to each other. I look at the free coop plans on the internet, and I don't even have the skill to interpret them. Oh, well, I will fumble my way through it. Eventually.

Unfortunately, money seems terrified of me at the moment - it sees me and runs the opposite direction. But, I think anyone who does have a little money and is thinking about a coop upgrade should definitely contact you! I do want to get some legbar eggs from you, when your legbars start laying.
So, the cat knocked my powerful flashlight off of the window sill onto the brooder to break into it for nefarious purposes NYD. No chicks were harmed, despite her evil intent, but the flashlight did not survive. I have been planning to go to lowes and get a high lumen led one for candling since then, and today I went. They had diddlysquat. I wandered up and down those aisles and looked at so many flashlights. They had black light ones, halogen ones, ones charged by special chargers, mag lights. Ooodles and oodles, but any one with over 150 lumens was 40 or 50 bucks! So, I went to Autozone, because they have gadgets. They asked me what I was looking for, and I explained I wanted a high lumen flashlight to candle eggs. They didn't bat an eye, knew exactly what I meant, and showed me one that was 11 dollars, 500 lumens, and focused so that I could pinpoint the beam, and it was a nice, compact size.

I brought it home and used it on the marans eggs, and I could see veining in some of them, and stuff!

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